Important stuff will go here one day.
Type 2
I’m type 2 and on Ozempic. I’ve been on it for a year now. I am not happy with how much weight I’ve loss. I have Ozempic sag. I would rather go to the gym and find better choices of food to keep my numbers in check. Any suggestions.
Hello I am new
Is there a way to track in the app when and how much carbs are consumed?
I'm finding people in a diabetic group that I would like to communicate with but I see no way to com
I'm finding people in a diabetic group that I would like to communicate with but I see no way to com
New on here
Hi. I am new to this forum. Just introducing myself. I have type 2 diabetes.
I am a type 2 diabetic and frustrated. My blood levels have been very high. Like 174 and that is freaking me out. I'm calling my doctor may my metformin is no longer working. UGH!!!
The way we think about sugar is going to change
It was 5 weeks ago, my doctor told me that I had entered the pre-diabetic stage. Yikes. Coincidently, I watched "The Way We Think About Sugar Is Going To Change". Another coincidence is that I was taking a course about "Tiny Habits" a concept Dr. BJ Fogg who is an expert in creating systems to change human behavior. A…
Scanning App for food
Does myfitnesspal have an app to scan food labels??...does anyone know of an app that does? I heard that there is one out there!
You still need Sugar
Absent in body..and my apologies so nice to see people with an interest in exercise and diet for diabetics. I was on the wrong path for a while not taking any sugars and found myself constantly tired not knowing why I was so sluggish.
Hello Everyone, I received news today of my A1C levels being at 5.9%, classifying me as pre-diabetic. I just want to introduce myself and say that this has become a wake-up call for me, a 25 year old woman, and I hope we can receive and give support as a community. Thanks! :smile: