Mean Green - FS&ND
Based on the film we watch, "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" 1. Identify 3 advantages of drinking your calories. 2. What are some drawbacks, or things to consider when taking part in a diet plan such as this? 3. Who would be a candidate for the 60-day challenge? 4. What is likely missing from this type of diet? Doing some…
Food Inc.
After watching the film. Please answer the following questions. Be sure that there are at least 3-4 sentences of information for each answer. See you Monday Pix Do animals being raised for food (livestock) have the right to a certain quality of life? Do people have the right to know what is in their food? What about a…
Why I want to get into shape
Using the SMART principles of goal setting. Identify some goals for the next 4 weeks, and a secondary set of goals for the next 6 months. Your goals should be S - specific M - measurable A - attainable R - relevant T - timely
Workout Supplements
1. Pick 2 workout supplements 2. Who are they for? 3. Cost per day? 4. Helps with? 5. Health Risks?
About ME
Under this topic you should answer the following questions. 1. Explain what your physical fitness level is like, and rate your level out of 10. 2. Explain the types of activities you do, and how often. 3. Explain any healthy lifestyle restrictions there are in your life (at home, the grocery store, in the community, the…
Fad Diets
Task: Search the internet for a FAD DIET. Record the website address and answer the following questions. 1. When was this 'diet' introduced to the general public? 2. Who introduced the diet? What are their credentials? 3. Who is the target audience? 4. List and explain 5 main characteristics of the diet. 5. What are the…