Free 12-Week Workout Program
I have had quite a few people asking me for workout programs, so I figured I would make you all a deal. I will offer you a FREE copy of my latest eBook and training program, in exchange for helping me out. 1. Copy and paste this group's URL into your news feed and invite all your MFP friends. 2. Give my Facebook pages and…
Correct My Form
I would like to create a thread to allow people to post videos of themselves performing various exercises, in order to get help with their form. Many people with have the same technique issues, so hopefully by posting a video you can help others in the group as well.
Cardio for someone with bad knees
My 37 yr old partner recently started going to the gym with me. He's keen to reduce his mid section but mostly heavy lifts as he has poor knee health. Any recommendations on cardio which wont test his knees please?
Split Stance Single Leg Deadlift
Here is a single deadlift variation you probably haven't done before -
Tracking Weight
How often do you step on the scale? My weight fluctuates everyday. I can gain or lose 2 lbs in a day or a half a pound, etc. I'm trying to drop 10 lbs but I lose focus on my progress because these fluctuations daily or weekly. I'm healthy and fit but I know getting rid of 10 lbs I'll look and feel better. Looking to hear…
Breakfast- what are others eating?
I've always heard breakfast is the most important meal if the day to kick start your metabolism. Because of this I try to avoid skipping breakfast. I've also heard including protein in your breakfast is important. My life is busy and I usually eat breakfast at my desk in the morning. I'm wondering what others eat for…
5 Challenging Core Exercises
Check out these 5 advanced core exercises:
How to hex bar deadlift
How to barbell deadlift.
Thought I'd share this video for anyone that needs help with their deadlift technique.
What Is/Are Your Fitness Goal(s)
What is/are your fitness related goal(s)? Do you want to do a pull-up? Squat 2x your body weight? Do 20 push-ups? Let's hear 'em!
Core Training
I just wanted to post this to show that there is a lot of exercises you can do for your core that do not involve sit-ups or planks, and other traditional ab exercises like that:
Trying to Build Muscle
I am a 106lb 18 year old female trying to bulk up a bit. Not get the "bodybuilder" look, but just have visible tone. A little about me, I lost 40 pounds over the course of two years when I was 14-16, but I became underweight and was there for about another year before adding a few more pounds and reaching a…