Helpful Tools and Links
If you have any good resources or tools that might help people with their health and weight struggles (especially in regards to alcohol) then please post them here. Thanks! Here's one I use often... If you ever wondered how many calories are in that beer at your local brewpub... Check this page out:…
NORM! (An Introduction Post)
Hi, My name is Mark, I live in Michigan USA, and I love a good full bodied beer. (The hopier the better!) I also home brew (Still on kits right now, but hope to go all grain next Spring) I noticed that alcohol on the forums takes a pretty bad rap and the people that enjoy it are often accused of being useless drunks and…
Grams of carbs in various beers? Can any beer really have ZERO carbs?
I'm trying to monitor both my calories and my carbs.... The image below shows the MyFitnessPal numbers for several beers pulled at random. The first colm is calories and the 2nd colm is carbs. I'm having trouble believing the "spread" on the carb numbers. Brahva is a local brand where I am living right now (Guatemala) it's…
clone Pliny the Elder
Just finished my clone of Pliny the Elder and I think it will taste really good I have taste tested it and couple of times during the process ;-)
...and here come the pumpkin beers!!
It's the wonderful time of year again when all the Oktoberfest and pumpkin beers start hitting the taps at your favorite water hole. I, personally, really really like both of these "styles." It's really hard to be an Oktoberfest beer that's been done right, and a good pumpkin beer is really really good. I plan on brewing a…
Hi I am new here is there anyone really in this group? I hope so because I home brew and I am also losing weight so if you are here please let me know.
Pumkin Beer
Tis the season for Pumpkin beer . I am going to Old Bag of Nails for a keg tapping of Pumking mmmm :) My fav is Icabob (sp)
Kegged Sierra Nevada Pale clone. What's next for you?
I am a little concerned about the SN Pale - it needed probably 2 more days in the primary (it's sitting around 4.9% but anticipated around 5.5%) and a week or two in the keg, but I am committed to serving it on Friday so I needed to get it kegged today to let it sit on a carb stone for a few days. Taste was good, though.…
homebrew vs commercial beer
Joined mfp a couple hours and the first thing that crosses my mind is homebrew! I've done extracts for the last couple years and switched to all grain (biab) in March. I'm wondering if homebrew can be made more diet friendly. Maybe a glutten free recipe? I'm not a huge light beer fan, but corona light and amstel light…
KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout - Founders)
Picked up my first two 4-packs last night, or my fiancé did. I pick my two up tomorrow. Excited for this, except two of the four 4-packs are already given away, and 2 bottles out of the remaining 4-packs are also promised. Now, to search on release day, and get 1 more, possibly 2 more 4-packs. Anyone else excited for this…
Homebrew Follies
So, I decided to do a Cream Ale (for those non-homebrewers, it's basically a craft version of a lager, without lagering) and mashed in. Well, I was a little nervous about the temp of my water, so I tried a different thermometer (my girlfriend broke my stick one). Low-and-behold, 30 degrees off!!! So, I measured my temp in…
anyone use untappd here? if you want to add me, i'm danolson312