Living the KETO life!

I have been doing Keto for years. It is one of the easiest LIFESTYLES......for me anyway. I dont call it a diet its just the way i eat. We all know the hardest thing about any new way of eating is being able to stick with it long term. Trust me i know how hard it is for anyone starting keto. Its hard because for most of you your whole life your body has been programed to burn CARBS for fuel. Now your only feeding it 20-30 carbs and thats through green veggies. It takes a week or two for your body to say " OK this SOB is not going to feed me carbs so im going to burn this fat." When you get to this point it is true what they say you lose your hunger totally.
I go by the 70-25-5 rule 70%-fat,25%-protein,5%-carbs. I also intermittent fast for 16 hours, so i eat in a 8-hour window. Here is my thoughts on IF. When you are feeeding your body every 3 hours whats it going to think "Got this food to burn thanks." Now if im fasted whats your body going to think" This MF is not feeding me so ill burn what he has lots of ......fat" Its funny writing this because I think of it as me vs my body LOL. In a way it kinda is MIND over BODY.

My must haves are
eggs,bacon,spanich,avocado,coconut oil,cheese, and butter. I have these things probably about every day.

Wife is calling so need to wrap this up any question about anything just friend me and hit me up. I am always willing to help any one that wants to live the NO CARB LIFE :)
Owner: LongshoreLeaders: LongshoreCreated on January 8, 201978 membersPrivacy: Public



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