Important stuff will go here one day.
Monday, June 16
Is everyone still hanging in there? I did 8 miles of biking on Friday, bringing me up to 52.2, then 4.1 of biking and 1.5 of fast walking today, bringing me up to 57.8. Woohooo!!! I started today on the long journey toward being able to run. I walked at 3.6 mph, which really isn't all that fast for about 25 minutes, and…
way behind but still trying
Well I have been away on vacation and did alot of hiking so I was able to get 35 mikes in this week I usually get in 4 miles a day is anyone counting their regualr steps walked for the day as part of their miles or are you just counting your actual exercise?walks ?
June 11th
It is amazing how many of you have kept up with all of your miles. This has helped me to because I am super competitive. I saw someone say that this has helped them get up and move. It has helped me as well and I think that that is the main point of this. We need to challenge ourselves to do more and to do better. I know…
June 10th
Here is me admitting that I am falling behind. So I am horribly behind. Sunday I got food poison so I didn't do much walking Sunday or yesterday. At this point we all should be close to 30 miles. Don't worry if your not, I'm not but I plan to close the gap. I am currently at 18 miles. I might even take a second walk with…
Bad news
So this is me, bowing out of the challenge this month. I 'severely sprained' my ankle while running yesterday. :sad: The doctor said it should be at least 14 days before I can walk for any distance, and 3 weeks+ before I can run, so I am not going to be able to finish the challenge. :grumble: :cry:
Taking the place for KDesiP
I wasnt going to do this challenge as I am rather lazy at times :) But since I heard of her recent injury and how bunned she was on how she couldnt do this I decided to do this for her in hopes to encourage her in her journey of fitness and weight loss. She will cheer me on and if anyone else wants to cheer me on too im…
Day 4
Woot woot how is everyone doing. I had to take a break today, work went long and I didn't have a chance to get out and walk. Tomorrow and Saturday will be me playing catch up!! Tell me all about your amazing progress! I saw someone had 15 miles!!!! That's amazing!!!!
Day 3
Got my miles out of the way this morning and did 5.10 miles. It killed me lol. I am dying today lol hoping to get in the pool and work out some of this muscle ache! How did you guys do?
What Counts?
Are we only counting running/walking, or do we also count elliptical, bike, etc,? I haven't input the others yet, but I did some at the gym this morning for cardio and was wondering.
NIke+Running App
Ok guys we have decided another great way to keep up with each other is to use this app. If you want to join then let us know your name so that we can add you!! Mine is setaylor86080