Important stuff will go here one day.
Yup...Shiny pretty things. Talk about them here!
Anyone participate in craft fairs?
Just thought I'd see if any of my fellow crafters were vendors at craft fairs. I'm attending my second craft fair ever this Saturday. The first was a total bust, but I looked at it as a learning experience. So, I've readjusted my tactics and am ready to give it another whirl. Anyone want to share their experiences, tips,…
Can't do it to save my life. The sewing machine and I fight and it usually wins. If you're talented enough to be able to about it here!
Tell us a little about yourself :D
That's right. We wanna know a bit about you :)
Can't knit to save my life but I can crochet a mean chain xD I have an unfinished blanket around here somewhere.... Discuss all things yarn related here :D
Benefits of Being Crafty?
Have you noticed benefits of doing your chosen craft? Has it helped/hindered your weight loss? Does it help ease your stress?
Makeup/Beauty Products
This is for those who enjoy making their own make up and other beauty products :D
Soap/Bath products
Yup...This is where I'll be most active XD! Discuss your fave bases to use. Ones you can't stand. Just talk about all things that are Soap/Bath product related! :)
Unfinished Projects
We all have them. What are yours?
This is for you If you sketch or paint! (Cause...I can barely draw a stick figure XD)