Important stuff will go here one day.
Hunting 2013
Any successful hunts this hunting season? I harvested my first bear! He was a little guy. Definitely not a cub. The meat is going to be great. How about everyone else. I d love to hear your stories!
What are you doing to prepare for the 2014-2015 season?
Anyone else out there starting to prepare for the upcoming hunting season? Mississippi's Archery Season opens Oct. 1. Lock-on stands have been checked and ready to hang. Trying to shoot my bow everyday.... I would like to continue to increase my arrow speed. (220 fps currently)... What's happening in your neck of the woods?
lookin for friends
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Bow hunters?
So who here hunts with a bow? What's your set-up? Let's chat!
SO... what are your hunting &/or fitness goals for this year? And... What are you doing to reach them? My husband made a sticker and put on my bow that says..."Aim small...miss small". I want to not just Hit the target.... but center punch it! Both with my archery and my fitness. So, I am working out more, eating less and…
bizarre hunting stories...
Everyone has them. So the stories that my boyfriend told me about hunt camp this year are.... A friend of ours found a dead buck in a tree. At first he assumed a hunter put it there after shooting it in order to find it easily when he came back for it. However, this deer was not shot. The tree it was in was on a very steep…
So I thought on here we could share some recipes for game meat or whatever you feel like posting......I'm inexperienced with cooking game meat and at the moment....I"m looking into how to cook rabbit meat. Have a rabbit but no recipe...would like to hear how you guys cook it...I'm thinking I would like a stew. Help? LOL
Loose the weight and gain a guided elk hunting trip
I have a goal of loosing 160lbs by September 2015 and my reward will be an elk hunting trip of a lifetime.
Post your hunting pics from this year
These are a few of the pictures from my families hunting successes this far:)
Hows hunting this weekend?
Who is hunting and what are we hunting this weekend.....I was out for deer last weekend....was on a hot trail but came out empty! :(