jms14letgo Member


  • I've done Chalean Extreme, Turbo Fire, and Piyo as well. PiYo twice- I love that program Turbo Fire- I got 2 months in... had surgery for endometriosis and had to take time off. I liked the results I was getting but it will be a while before my body is back to the point where it can handle those kind of workouts. Chalean…
  • Thanks for the link @giusa ! I was a part of that group my first time around, but it wasn't very active back then. It looks much more active now. I encourage others to join that group with me. :) @startingover72 glad to see someone else that is doing the program with me. I just finished up my second week.. though I'm being…
  • I'm there with you. I don't need to lose much of anything, but I'm working on getting rid of belly fat and toning up. :) What are your stats? Daily calorie goal? Current workout routine? I'm 5'7" 135 lbs. 127 years old. My calorie goal is set to 1600. I'm currently following Chalean Extreme.
  • OP if you are truly concerned about your metabolism then diet and exercise are what you need to focus on. There isn't any "super food" out there that will miraculously speed up your metabolism. Just good wholesome food in general, will support your metabolism and body. I agree with previous posters that Slim Fast isn't the…
  • Like you I work out 6 days a week but I have a desk job. I have my activity level set to sedentary. Then I log my exercise calories.
  • I come pretty close if not over on carbs on a daily basis. Since I upped my calories to 1600 per day I've been trying to eat more calorie dense foods so veggies and salad have to go with something more calorie heavy... Jerky would work though. Thanks!
  • I personally couldn't start the day off with that much sugar in my system. I need protein or I'll end up sick. If the OP can eat that for breakfast and not end up sick then more power to them. :)
  • My macros are 40/30/30 carbs/protein/fat. No hunger since I upped my intake to 1600 cals a day.
  • I didn't say fat is bad.. I was just concerned that I was regularly going over that particular macro while not meeting my protein macro. My breakfast protein powder has 25 grams of protein in it. Yes, I do usually have protein with lunch. A tuna sandwhich normally. :) I could try hardboiled eggs for snacks. I didn't even…
  • LOL.. While it looks yummy I would get rid of the ice cream and chocolate sauce and add some protein instead!
  • 5'7" maintaining at 130 to 135, 27 years old.
  • I was having the 3AM problem a while back and did a TON of research and came across this gem. I also came across a lot of other research suggesting adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism, and hypglycemia. After some experimentation I have decided that it might not be as serious…
  • I can't believe I haven't seen this thread before! Where have I been?! Just for today.... 1. Stay under my 1600 calorie goal. 2. Get to bed before 10:00 (I have fire/rescue meeting tonight.. this will be a challenge) 3. No chocolate (it's just one day, I should be able to handle that, right?)
  • I tend to get everything logged by lunch time or just after that way I know where I sit calorie wise and if I have wiggle room with snacks or supper. This also makes me more likely to stick to whatever I have planned for supper rather than get lazy and eat out.
  • I personally eat before bed.. Usually something that is loaded with protein and low carb. Like almonds, string cheese, or jerky. Otherwise I wake up at 3:00 on the dot and can't get back to sleep... it's the most annoying thing ever. If you are hungry then go for it. Even if it's something small, it might curb the growling…
  • Friend request sent. :) Anyone else?
  • I honestly think I would be if I hadn't had to have surgery... I'm back at it now though. Good for you for sticking with it!
  • I have in the past and do sporadically now. I do a protein shake in the morning with Jamie Eason's Lean Body chocolate protein. And I like to use Vanilla Shakeology for a shake at lunch if I"m pressed for time. I have to say though that I don't stay full for all that long and I eat about every 3 hours....
  • I used to be on b/c in my teens to try and control it but went off when I got married to try and have a baby. Well over time the periods got worse, still no baby. Anyway, they tried to put me back on b/c and it just made everything that much worse. (I'm difficult I know.) I ended up having a laparoscopy done and found I do…
  • That's where I get a little fuzzy as well. Maybe I'll start with asking my doctor what test it was exactly that she ran 2 years ago and request the full panel or request that she refer me on. Even she can't deny that I've been in her office more often than a "healthy" person should be. I meant to edit my post earlier, but…
  • Water is probably your best friend and light exercise. You might not feel like going all out, but just taking a walk might make you feel better and take your mind off the cravings. Though, giving into the cravings isn't going to break you. If you go a little over. It's ok. Tomorrow is a new day and you can work through…
  • My mom and a maternal aunt both had thyroid cancer, I don't know if that counts. I've been dealing with always being cold since my early 20's probably.. I don't remember it so much when I was a kid or teenager. I don't really have issues with anything you listed. It's mostly feeling tired all the time. Being sick all the…
  • She did about two years ago to test my thyroid, though I don't know how in depth that test was. Otherwise the only recent thing was a "generic" lab for white count, hemoglobin, etc.. She said everything came back normal and I was healthy.
  • I usually read for 15-20 minutes tops. Just enough to get relaxed and start to feel sleepy then I put the book away. Unless of course the book is at a really good point then I might push too far but I try really hard not to do that. Ha ha. I have thought about seeing if I can get referred beyond my general doctor, but I…
  • @ceoverturf- Thank you for the basis for maintenance calories. I was so lost on that. I was going to start off at 1600 but I think I will start at 1800 instead. @mamapeach910 I do agree that I did this to myself. That is why I'm trying to correct it now. In my earlier 20's I did not take care of myself. I didn't eat a…
  • Its not like I"m taking pills.. and I clearly stated that I'm asking for help on figuring out calories and what people do on eating back exercise calories. Thanks for being so helpful.
  • High fructose corn syrup has a bad reputation because it is manufactured from corn and other additives, making it unnatural. Sugar Cane is derived from the actual sugar cane plant or sugar beets and isn't processed to the point of changing it's molecular structure. Here is an article that while not being all that…
  • OP you are trying to change too many things at once to lose weight. **You are trying to lose 20 pounds in 2-3 months that is about 2+ pounds a month. While it's not impossible, it can sometimes wreak havoc on your body. Especially if you are not fueling yourself properly. **You jumped from "eating out and eating junk" to…
  • You can't spot reduce. You need to work on losing overall body fat through calorie deficit.