MollyJE19 Member


  • Thinking that as long as I didn't go over my calorie goal, it didn't matter whether I ate healthy. That worked in my 20s and 30s, but not so well here in my late 50s. Not eating highly nutritious foods on a daily basis will always lead me to overeat because my aging body can't renew itself the way it used to and it just…
  • I used to get this regularly but not much in the last 5 years. There's a definite stress component to it, along with the physical. What you want to avoid is undigested food getting stuck in the pouches, where it can get infected, so things need to keep moving. I use glycerin suppositories, stool softeners and magnesium. I…
  • I don't like the flavor of green tea at all so I steep it with a black teabag in an extra-large mug to cover the green flavor. Also, milk thistle is very good for the liver. You can get it in capsules. Also I'm sure your doctor checked your gallbladder health as well? Gallbladder issues can cause upper right quadrant pain.
  • I go through sour cream spells and cream cheese spells and dark chocolate spells, but lately it's been tomato products. Weird thing to be stuck on, right? The thing is I don't like raw tomatoes at all, but right now I'm devouring tomato juice, salsa, and pasta sauce several times a day.
  • I love scrapple, a mixture of different pig offal, spices, and cornmeal. Though I've never made it from scratch, I always just buy it in the store.
  • I can't make any specific recommendations, but I looked at your diary and two things jumped out at me. You seem to be low in protein and high in carbs. I don't know whether switching some of your carb calories to protein would help you lose weight, but I've heard a lot of people say that it does. I know I lose best if my…
  • Tuna, salmon, flounder, chicken, eggs, and PB2/soymilk smoothies. ETA beans/rice/lentils/quinoa.
  • I did some PT recently and was told there are lots of exercises one can do sitting down. That surprised me, so I googled it and there are apparently lots of things you can do from a chair. Maybe you could do a search and do the ones you can and modify the ones that use the legs. Losing weight is just a matter of eating…
  • He did give me some and I have been doing them. His focus was on teaching me which muscles were actively involved in my pain and how to stretch and strengthen them without overdoing it. I'm just looking to go further now.
  • [quote="jan110144;c-43935142" First, I don't think weight is an issue. I'm 74 and have lost 50 pounds plus gained both strength and fitness in the last year. (I also ride my horse daily) With back issues, I would really suggest working with a knowledgable professional (maybe a physical therapist or athletic trainer) to set…
  • Wow, that's awesome! Thanks for your encouragement.
  • I'm not trying to spot-reduce or anything silly like that. At 56 and happily married for 20 years, I'm far more interested in my health than my looks! :D My only goal at this point is to be as physically and mentally healthy, alert, and strong as possible as I age.
  • I had to be patient with MFP in the beginning. I ate a lot of food that had the nutrition info on the package and often double-checked it against MFP's numbers. I also checked a lot of stuff against the USDA food database. It will feel like you're wasting time in the beginning but it will get easier, like learning anything…
  • That happened to me with a cheesesteak. It was literally 20 years before I could eat a cheesesteak again.
  • I always defrost first, for the reason you mentioned - frozen food can weigh more, but it's only water. If I eat 6 ounces of something, I want the whole 6 ounces, not 4 ounces + 2 ounces water.
  • I love Wendy's Superfood Salad, in which kale is the main ingredient. I made it at home once and it was good but a lot of trouble. I also put it in sweet smoothies (strawberry and banana) and don't even taste it.
  • Atkins/Keto may work well for you. Or it may not. I tried it once and couldn't maintain it. I lost 11 pounds but I stayed exhausted, achy, and foggy. I knew there'd be an adjustment - Keto flu, it's called - but it was supposed to have happened by day 6 or 7 at the latest. It never happened. I felt as bad on Day 14 as I…
  • You could be me. 54 years old and I just started MFP again after re-gaining 19 of the 28 lbs. I'd lost. Same reason - crazy stressful 18 month period, overeating, eating junk, and drinking too much alcohol to escape. I buckled down and started logging again recently. I did notice that it took a solid week for the scale to…
  • I use stevia (a 0-calorie herbal sweetener) in my coffee and tea. I occasionally work "real" sweets (mainly dark chocolate and peanut butter) into my diet but just budget the calories. You might also look into Truvia, which is a blend of stevia and real sugar, but much lower in calories than plain sugar.
  • That awful taste first thing in the morning would be a shock - maybe that's the "kickstart" you feel.
  • Mine is open but I've only been logging for 5 or 6 days.
  • Today hubby and I went to Wendy's. I behaved and ate a salad. But I also ate 2 of his fries and I'm not logging that.
  • Choices. One at a time. One mouthful at a time. I say this as someone who spent 2 years losing 30 pounds, then spent another year putting 20 of it back on, and started over again a week ago. Every choice I made while losing made me lose, and every choice I made while gaining made me gain. One. Mouthful. At. A. Time.
  • Supplements alone never helped me but recently I found a recipe called Golden Milk. It's coconut milk and oil, curcumin (what turmeric comes from), ginger root, black pepper, and cinnamon. I add a little stevia and raw honey. It tastes delicious, soothes my stomach, and I don't have as much chronic achiness (from CFS that…
  • Somewhere in my weight loss journey I realized I had to cut way back on drinking if I ever wanted to make any progress losing weight. That was when I realized how much I relied on it to cope with unwanted thoughts and feelings. When all those thoughts and feelings began to surface, I was shocked to discover how angry I was…
    in Alcohol Comment by MollyJE19 April 2017
  • Drinking green tea.
  • Mashed with olive oil, garlic and onion powder, and Himalayan salt, spread on toasted 7 Sprouted Grains bread.
  • Struggling to control cravings now that the weather is colder. I've gained and lost the same 3 pounds for the past 3 weeks, due to giving in to some of the high-fat, high-carb food cravings I have at the beginning of every winter.
  • I don't juice much anymore but when I did I'd use websites like these. I have no idea how accurate they are but it's worth a try.