

  • The grains I have are milk kefir grains so I have to use milk and they are higher in probiotics than water kefir (if what I read is correct) I have always thought that whole milk is better than skim/semi-skim which is the culprit for inflammation but I am worried about the extra calories.
  • Hi everyone, I am Jessie and I have just joined MFP. I hope to control my binge eating and lose 10 pounds. Nice meeting all of you!
  • I am just like you! Just can't seem to stop that craving and even though I know I am stuffed after a big lunch, I just can't distract myself enough to stop reaching for the chocolates and cookies!!
  • I am just like many of you here! I think I actually really enjoying binge eating, just stuffing my face and of course only to regret later. I don't even remember when this habit started (do you?) and it seems sometimes I set myself for it, and compensate with fasting after for 24 or longer hours. I would like to have a…