

  • I thought it was self explanatory that I was asking about health. Why would I care if a bunch of random people like or dislike the foods I'm eating? Soooo you're basically saying that if I ask any questions on this forum, I should expect people to give snide and irrelevant responses. Okay then. Good to know. Ok so I added…
  • Ok well I was looking for answers focused more on health and whether it is a balanced diet or not. Whether I am eating too much of any food group (people did make good comments about the carbs) and whether there might be any nutritional deficiencies. I assumed there were some people on here who know more than me about…
  • Well I do eat 5+ servings of vegetables per day, and almonds/lentils/whole grains are all nutrient dense foods, so I can't imagine what else I should add to that. Maybe fish which I do have occasionally. I eat more fruit in the summer when berries are available but right now it's just apples, oranges, and bananas, and I…
  • Does this mean the high-fat-high-protein minions are going to come on the warpath? I don't mind that I'm over my fat intake, since they're mostly "good fats." I don't mind high fat high protein either, it's just not my thing to eat meat with every meal. This is for multiple reasons. I only buy ethically raised meat for…
  • Well I lost 7 pounds in less than 2 months, and I feel pretty good about eating these foods for the foreseeable future. It is a little high in carbs but you really only need 50g of protein per day and I'm getting about 70-80g, so I think it's fine. It's actually fairly high in fat though because of the nuts and oils...I am…
  • But how many hours a week do you spend preparing food and planning meals and grocery shopping? For me the benefit of eating the same thing every day is I don't have to think about it or spend a lot of time on it. When I drag myself out of bed in the morning and rush around getting ready for work, I don't have decide what I…
  • Actually it does have one serving of "junk" lunch. Can't say ice cream or Pop Tarts appeal to me though. For me it's brownies and vegan cupcakes.
  • Nope, not for me! I love pasta and other "evil" gluten-containing foods, and I love dairy, and I am mostly vegetarian and not even that big a fan of meat. If I had to be paleo I would cry! I guess what I'm more concerned about is, what is the border between "moderation" and "too much" when it comes to eating…
  • Do you know how long I would have to soak them for? Overnight? And at room temp or in the refrigerator? Also wouldn't it make them soggy/more prone to mold?
  • I tried that but they all melted well before lunchtime and I felt like they didn't really keep the food cold even when they were frozen. However it would be useful to use icepacks to keep food cold during my morning commute and then put it in the refrigerator once I get to work...if we had a refrigerator.
  • No it's just a reminder for me to drink water throughout the day. Sometimes I forget and get headaches. And yes they kind of are dehydrating if you have them dry.
  • As I said I wanted advice on whether it's healthy or not, not whether you personally would eat it.
  • Ummmm once again the water is alongside the Cheerios, aka to drink, not on them. I don't like milk on cereal anyway, never have.
  • I'm just confused. I didn't expect such an overwhelmingly negative response. I also didn't expect people to be shaming me based on how "boring" my meals are. I was hoping to get a response along the lines of is this diet HEALTHY or not, not whether you personally would eat it.
  • The water isn't ON the Cheerios...I am drinking water with the Cheerios to stay hydrated.
  • Currently my recommended calories are 1600. I forgot what my TDEE is...maybe 1800? I have been eating pretty much like this on and off for the past few weeks and haven't gotten bored yet. Lunch is a little boring but it's basically my only option because my job doesn't have a break room with a refrigerator, so all the…
  • The FDA guidelines. What is so "random" about it? For breakfast I have a bunch of protein and fat to keep me awake and last me until 10:30 AM or so. For lunch I have some protein and fat but also carbs for fuel. Morning and afternoon snacks are just to keep me from getting hungry between meals (because if I get hungry…
  • So? That sounds good and my weekend breakfasts would be more along those lines (minus the sausage) but honestly I am not a morning's enough to get me out of bed at 6:45 AM, I'm not going to be cooking a complicated breakfast on top of that and washing all the associated dishes. I like to have everything already…
  • Actually it is based on my personal took me a really long time to find breakfast foods I actually wanted to eat. What is so "unpleasant and random" about it? Is it the lack of sugar? It's based off of more or less meeting the requirements given to me by MFP, eating a mostly vegetarian diet (with meat once a…
  • Ok I really don't understand...what is so restrictive about this plan? What do you all usually eat?
  • Right now I'm 5'4" and 123.5 pounds last time I checked. I have about 3.5 pounds left to lose.
  • Some needs to work on their reading comprehension! Breakfast is yogurt (90 cals), an entire banana (90 cals), and lentils (180 cals) with olive oil (60 cals but may increase to a whole tablespoon if needed). That adds up to 420 calories or 480 if I put an entire tablespoon of olive oil in. A cup of Cheerios is 100 cals.…
  • It's around 1600-1700 depending on the size of dinner. It's similar to how I've been eating the past few weeks but with a couple of modifications just for taste and convenience.
  • I have this whenever I get chocolate cravings at the end of the day and I love it. I am a supertaster though so it probably seems more flavorful to me. You could also add a bit of sugar to it and it would still be less sugar than what's in the commercial variety.
  • This is the best post EVER. I'm dying. What in God's name possessed you to blend chicken, green beans, and brown rice into a SHAKE? Instead of, y'know, eating them separately? Thanks for the laugh!!
  • Try putting some cinnamon on it! I tried that today (along with a cut-up banana on top) and promptly decided to have that every morning instead of the yogurt by itself.
  • The usuals...turkey and gravy, boxed stuffing with mushrooms added, lasagna (my family's Italian), baked yams, green beans, canned cranberry sauce, wine, and pie (and probably Italian butter cookies, and Ferrero Rochers, etc etc.) I have Thanksgiving at my mom's house each year.
  • None! I don't know why people make such a big deal about gaining weight over the holidays. Thanksgiving and Christmas are only two days and only two meals, and the meals usually act as both lunch and dinner on those days. There may be a couple of other holiday parties here and there, but it really doesn't add up to that…
  • 131 lbs. (I'm 5'4"). I wasn't so much worried about my current weight, but about how much I would gain later in life and especially after having children. My latest weigh-in this evening was 123.5...almost there!
  • I like plain Greek yogurt and have it almost every morning before work. No sweeteners, no fruit, no granola. I have it with lentils and dark leafy greens. It's my "power breakfast." It is sour but not in a bad way. So Delicious unsweetened coconut milk is amazing...I drink at least a quart of it per week lol. I don't find…