Abby2205 Member


  • I had this problem until I changed my fat goal to 40% and reduced carbs to 40%. You don't have to stick with MFP's default goals.
  • 85 g canned tuna in oil, over approximately 47 g baby spinach (one third of a 142 g bag) with 15 g of toasted pumpkin seeds thrown in. I eat this all the time for lunch. The spinach makes it a lot more filling for me, for a measly 20 or so more calories.
  • Use raw weight and raw entry. With the cooked entry I wonder if mine has been cooked more or less and has lost more or less water. Although raw potatoes probably vary in water content too...
    in Potato!! Comment by Abby2205 April 2016
  • What will happen if you don't satisfy your cravings? Will something terrible happen?
  • When you eat a healthy balanced diet you are consuming more calories than when you skip breakfast and eat junk. You personally, based on your observations, not as a general rule. No, your body is not used to cake and coffee such that more nutritious food is stored as fat. Excess calories from any kind of food is what gets…
  • Pumpkin seeds. I weigh out 19 grams for 100 calories because it is all too easy to keep scarfing them down. And they have the highest iron content in the salty-greasy food group.
  • Potatos get such a bad rap but they are so good! High in vitamin C and for me they are very filling. I steam potatoes instead of boiling to make mashed and the texture and potato flavour are so good that I use very little butter and milk anymore.
    in Potatoes Comment by Abby2205 April 2016
  • 100% is 14 mg. It's the same as the reference used for reporting % iron on nutrition labelling. Where I live, the RDA for adult women (not in menopause) is 18 mg, so I changed my iron goal in MFP to 130%. If you wanted to aim for 10 mg, you could change your goal to 71%.
    in Iron Comment by Abby2205 April 2016
  • I've never researched it but you confirm what I suspected, it's genetics. I have a flat stomach like the first picture, with the contour down either side, and I assume I'm relatively low in body fat (5'7", 124 lbs) but low in muscle. People ask me if I work out, and nope, plus I had two children and I'm old so this is just…
  • A few weeks back someone described their secret: lettuce. Stupid amounts of lettuce. I figured why not try it, I like baby spinach so I put about 1.7 ounces (one third of a 5 ounce container) on a plate and put the tuna and cheese I usually have at lunch on top of it. For about 15 calories it had a surprisingly large…
  • There was a "stupidest diet you ever tried" thread and someone described their experience with the cabbage soup diet as she "couldn't go to the bathroom right" for two weeks after. I've never forgotten. At first I thought "what does she mean? Too often? Not often enough? Was it a ... consistency problem?" Then I clued in:…
  • Tea. Lots and lots of flavored unsweetened tea. Keeps me busy and the combination of hot, flavored and acidic satisfies me.
  • It sounds right. You are short in stature and already relatively light in weight, so you do not burn very many calories in your daily activity. Looks like MFP has calculated that your maintenance level is approximately 1530 calories.
  • Are you weighing in together so you know for a fact that they have lost 25 or 30 pounds in 7 weeks? Self-reporting between friends who know that the others are also losing weight might be, shall we say, not quite accurate.
  • What is different from one year ago? You are consuming more calories or burning fewer calories or both. You may believe that everything s exactly the same but your body is telling you that your belief is wrong. ETA: Just saw that you changed job locations last year, so that is in fact a change. Is there anything you are…
  • I love this one. I live in BC and can only find it at Loblaws stores (Superstore, Your Independent Grocer, etc).
  • I know some will say "just fit it into your calories" but a bottle of wine is 500+ calories and it is hard to fit that in and still get sufficient nutrition from food. Do you have to drink the whole bottle? Only you can answer this, if not to us then at least to yourself. If you can drink less, but you don't want to…
  • For sure it is possible. Years ago I lost weight on Suzanne Somers' plan. The theory of the plan itself was food combining nonsense, but the practical application worked great. The part that sticks with me was that you could combine carbs with vegetables and fat-free protein, or you could combine fat and protein+fat (for…
  • I second the "dress for your shape" advice. The women from the British What Not To Wear series, Susannah Constantine and Trinny Woodall churned out several books in the 2000's. Look for them in the library. This one:…
  • I am 48. I was not overweight and lost 20 lbs to put me near the low end of a healthy BMI. When I'm not smiling I think I look younger now because I have a more defined bone structure, but when I'm smiling, yikes the crow's feet. Oddly it took a few months at my goal weight before I really noticed that it was worse, like…
  • Correct, it's metered in according to size (sugar too) so that all sizes taste the same, i.e. an extra large double double tastes the same as a medium d-d. That is how an extra large double double contains 320 calories. Drink that in.
  • I have a couple of thoughts: 1. Four weeks isn't much time and even if your TDEE estimation is exactly right and your calorie tracking is completely correct, the best you could have hoped for is a loss of 4 lbs, which could easily be masked by normal fluctuation. 2. Maybe your true TDEE isn't 2500 calories. You (or anyone)…
  • Here's a success story about losing back fat:
  • That's my thought too. For example, let's say you have two items, each 14.4 g. They are both displayed as 14 g, but the true value is stored. Add them together, it's 28.8, but is displayed as 29 g due to rounding.
  • You are attempting to link specific weight gain "events" to specific consumption events, but it's a spurious correlation. Your long term data (15 pounds gained in 7 months) is a better representation of what's really happening: you are eating on average 250 calories per day over your true maintenance.
  • I see in your profile that you are in Ontario. Have you attempted to be referred to the Ontario Bariatric Network for publicly funded bariatric surgery? Ontario has directed resources to delivering a standard program and redce wait times, and the provincial wait time is currently 89 days. You live in a city with a regional…
  • Are you saying that you don't want to take medication to treat your hypothyroidism?
  • Pressure cooker makes excellent broth. If just skimming off the fat that rises to the surface doesn't remove enough for your taste, chill the whole thing in the refrigerator until the fat solidifies on top, then easily remove.
  • "Men don't like women to be too thin". This one annoys me greatly because it implies that being attractive to men is something women should be concerned about as a general rule. Also I have been married for 20 years so who are these "men" whose preferences I should heed? The one man whose opinion I care about tells me…
  • I think there's an error in your Fitbit setup. I just tried entering your stats (6'3", 295 lbs, male, extreme plan (1000 cal deficit), I assumed 40 years old) and it told me that the calorie goal was 2,182. The goal that you say Fitbit is giving you is way too low.