
Does anyone know how to change (or check) the macro amount for iron on MFP? I am 50 years old, but went through menopause 3 years ago. I believe the iron levels for someone in my age bracket is 15mg, but I actually could move up to the next age division and only need 10 mg daily. I can't find anywhere on the MFP site what the DRA for iron is. I don't think I get enough iron, as it is, and would really like to track it accurately. I know that I can change the percentage amount, but first I need to know how much MFP is "giving" me.


  • Abby2205
    Abby2205 Posts: 253 Member
    100% is 14 mg. It's the same as the reference used for reporting % iron on nutrition labelling. Where I live, the RDA for adult women (not in menopause) is 18 mg, so I changed my iron goal in MFP to 130%. If you wanted to aim for 10 mg, you could change your goal to 71%.
  • Pam_1965
    Pam_1965 Posts: 137 Member
    Thanks, Abby2205, that's exactly what I was looking for! :)