Gaining weight obviously doing something wrong

I don't seem to lose weight eating a healthy balanced diet but skipping breakfast and eating junk keeps me at a regular weight. I'm be no means over weight 5'4 and 114lbs I do have a small body frame my mum and sister are the same very little womanly curves and no muscle tone. Id like to lose 5lbs iv always been around 110 and feel comfortable clothes fit better. Iv not been keeping a diary but plan to start tomorrow and I do own a food scale so I'll be using that exercise I do is mostly running for around 30 minutes at a time and classes at the gym. The thing is when I start to try to eat better not just for weight loss but for health benefits I always gain weight am I just eating to much chicken and salad or is my body used to living of cakes and coffee so it stores any decent nutrients in the form of extra weight is that possible? I lost 10lbs over Xmas due to marriage problems but I was eating basically zero and it came back quickly when life settled down. I realise that my weight is at the low end of healthy but I'm a grown woman with 2 kids and this is the heaviest iv ever been the last week iv not logged( for at least a year) but have eaten fruit or a protein shake for breakfast chicken salad for lunch and tuna salad for dinner with snacks of almonds berrys and yogurt banana and oatcakes. I don't feel hungry in a high sugar diet ever but iv been very hungry trying to eat 3 meals a day. This post might sound a bit silly and I'm not sure if I'm explaining my self at all well bottom line if I eat junk I don't feel hungry and weigh around 110lbs when try to eat what I consider healthy I'm always hungry and my weight goes up 4-5lbs. Any tips? I'm I doing this all wrong?


  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    Eating healthy doesn't make you lose weight. Being in a calories deficient does. You need to stop "eye balling" it and actually measure out your food. You might think you're under calories when you're actually above.

  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Your BMI is actually a healthy weight. I think you should probably focus more on doing some strength training rather than fat loss.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    My guess is that your appetite increases when you eat better and gain some healthy weight.
  • Abby2205
    Abby2205 Posts: 253 Member
    When you eat a healthy balanced diet you are consuming more calories than when you skip breakfast and eat junk. You personally, based on your observations, not as a general rule. No, your body is not used to cake and coffee such that more nutritious food is stored as fat. Excess calories from any kind of food is what gets stored as fat.
  • jennie361
    jennie361 Posts: 6 Member
    Logging and weighing starts tomorrow then! Thanks for the replays
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Even at 114 pounds, you're on the low end of a healthy BMI. 110 puts you pretty much at the bottom. Rather than worrying about losing weight, you'd probably be better off with a body recomposition (eating at/near maintenance and lifting heavy).
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    You're eating more calories when you eat 'healthily' than you do eating junk food.
  • jennie361
    jennie361 Posts: 6 Member
    Liflting weights is something I'm really intrested in I'm going to have to look into it and venture out of my comfort zone at the gym