cenandra Member


  • @Danilynn1975 Your inspiring!
  • This is so me @Angelfire365
  • This past weekend I ate and ate when I wasn't hungry. I've been maintaining my weight loss for over 6 1/2 years and I still have problems with boredom. I no longer buy Peanut Butter because I'll eat the whole jar during the weekend; however, it doesn't matter what "little" is at my house I will binge on something and that…
  • trustychucks.com/2014/05/rewarding-health-milestones-with-things-other-than-food/
  • Hi Lee-Ann! Thank you for your kind words its an every day process! I love my body and how its thriving with the weight off and eating healthy and loving to exercise. I have to say its easy now and I'd never want to go back. Spending most my time in the NS Fitbitters group inspiring bunch of steppers. I ride my bike more…
  • @MsDimeo Weekends On My Own is a great tool for Maintenance! I have been maintaining now over 6 1/2 years and have kept my 50+ pounds off (give or take a couple of pounds). When I went to Maintenance I went on Dinners On My Own first and then once I was comfortable I went to WOMO. My recommendation is to LOG everything you…
  • @litoria Take care of it now before it happens! I didn't know I had Type 1 Diabetes typically it happens in children, but this day in age they call it Adult Onset Type 1 Diabetes. I found out I got it in 2001, but by then it was to late Neuropathy already set in my feet and digestive tract (Autonomic Neuropathy). I was in…
  • It never surprises me anymore the paths that appear in front of me. I am and will always be a believer in Jesus Christ the Son of God that He died for my sins and will never be ashamed of telling anyone of it. My story can be found here: themotivationalgirl.blogspot.com/p/poison-called-diabetes.html However, I will say…
  • Type 1 here lost 50 pounds over 6 1/2 years ago and my numbers are perfect. Still suffer from Neuropathy, but its under control and I love to walk for exercise. Well done!
  • We all start there, but remember that isn't the end. You can make a change now! Just being on MFP is a start. Log your food regularly, join up with a group of FitBit folks or whatever kind of exercise you like and you will be inspired. I have lost over 50 pounds and have kept it off almost 7 years now. It works you just…
  • Do what is right for you. I for one can't do any videos or something that feels uncomfortable that is just me. I ride my recumbent bike and walk that is all I need. Best of luck in your journey!
  • I do not mainly because I am on Maintenance, but also due to Weight Watchers plan does not and considers them free. The way I look at it is if their free food I will go to it before choosing the wrong food like pretzels or what not. Its a mental game and whatever works. :wink:
  • Jean ~ Thank you! I do believe it is essential to log what you eat for maintenance, but I tend to stop after a time and the inflation begins! I am really going to try hard to stick with it this time because I know how important it is. I pretty much eat the same things regularly, so its easy to log. Great stepping at work…
  • Thank you I appreciate it! I joined Nutrisystem in on 07/21/2008 lost 52+ pounds by 02/01/2009 and have kept it off every since. I am a lifer NS'er at heart, but now on A La Carte membership. I love maintenance its been a wonderful ride I must say!
  • Hi Lee-Ann! Its a hard place to really find what your looking for I think a lot of it has to do with being so much and not really organized like NS was. I pretty much hang out in the NS Fitbitters and NS Warriors group still learning the ropes and frankly a lot of people didn't come over from NS, so its slow in most cases.…
  • Thanks! I too like MFP I've been logging my food here on and off since losing my weight back in 2008. I never stuck with it, but am hoping to change that this time. Makes it easier to maintain when you know what your eating! My usual breakfast is the following: 1 NS Double-Chocolate muffin 1/4 cup seeds/raisins/pumpkin…
  • My story can be found here: themotivationalgirl.blogspot.com/p/poison-called-diabetes.html Maintaining for over 6 1/2 years now and loving it!
  • I am 6'3" inches, 46.5 YO and weigh 185, which is my goal weight. I like to weigh in the 170's, but find its too hard to maintain. I've been maintaining for 6 1/2 years now, highest weight was 255.
  • When I lost my weight back in 2008, my Mom was very concerned about me being "too thin" and in reality I was and am a perfect weight for my height. I don't live with my Mom, I am a married woman close to 50, but it can be hurtful when family doesn't support you at any age. You have to dig deep and decide what is BEST for…
  • I have been a maintainer for a long time going on 6 1/2 years now. For me to keep my weight off I have customized my own total calorie consumption. I can gain fairly easy, so do not use MFP's maintenance calculations their to high. As I age, my total calorie consumption needs to be readjusted as I go. Good luck to you in…
  • Amen...hard for people to realize it until they log everything and see the results of keeping below their goal. I still have my special Latte from Starbucks once in awhile and I have kept off the 52+ pounds I lost back in 2008. Its all about calories in vs out. It can be done, we just have to stop lying to ourselves in…
  • This is one I will not be buying again. I felt it had a strange taste maybe it was the smoky flavoring, but either way I am scratching that one off my list. :smirk:
  • I enjoyed this one too!
  • Hi everyone! I think I recognize some of you definitely my good friend Helene! I am spending time trying to find some of my friends from Nutrisystem over here this weekend. Its hard to find groups in MFP! They certainly don't make it easy. I hope everyone is well, I have been struggling with my health trying to fight…
  • Good Morning fellow NSer's!
  • I love this feature!!
  • Congratulations! Its not hard when your mind is focused on it and willing to change. I lost my weight 52+ pounds back in 2008 and have never looked back. It took strength, it took willingness and it took non-excuses for me to do it and I did. So many people want to say I can't lose weight because ...... that is bull. I am…