svirds Member


  • I have two go to's lately for crunchy and spicy - I use Sharwood's plain puppodums - take one, spray with olive oil or coconut oil, and add whatever spices you want on the top. Pop in the microwave for 1 minute. It pops up and tastes like yummy spicy chips! 20 calories each! I also roast chickpeas in the oven with salt,…
  • Acorn squash stuffed with quinoa, roasted peppers, squares of sweet potato, pears, spinach, and cranberries - with a side beet salad.
  • I do TRX as part of my over all strength training workout. Instead of adding in each exercise, I just use strength training as a category in cardio and use 300 cal burn per hour.
  • I have RA and am very active. Arthritis needs to move! As much as we might think otherwise when it causes pain. I eat an anti inflammatory diet most of the time and use Joint Vibrance and hydrate well. I run (train for half marathons), bike, swim, strength train, and do yoga regularly - I am moving most days in one way or…
  • This is the site I use for downloads - you can choose list based on how fast of a cadence you want ...
  • This is a great site that I use for ideas... And this one...
  • Put your weight loss on hold for tapering :) Rest is crucial - have some rest days where you have no workouts at all. On workout days, keep it very easy. Keep nutrition at the forefront - eat well, more carbs closer to race day, and hydrate. I am tapering this week for a race on Sunday. I am still recording everything in…
  • I have super bad arthritis, but no pain for the past 8-9 months. I run, swim, bike, strength train, and do yoga regularly. Arthritis needs to move, although it is the last thing we want to do when we are in pain. Your body will tell you it doesn't want to move, but it really needs to! Movement helps the stiffness and pain…
  • Get one of these... . I make chips all the time with this - beet, sweet potato, radish, regular potato, etc - less processed and less of a hit in calories depending on which veggie you choose. You have to use the microwave, which some are opposed to. This has…
  • You might consider a swim workout plan, that incorporates a warm up, a middle part with harder effort (sprints), and a cool down. Like any other sport, your muscles need to warm up to be effective for performance. It's likely that you are swimming too fast and hard right away. Try pulling back and going easy for a warm up…
  • Lots of stretching and rolling...
    in DOMS Comment by svirds July 2015
  • You can add in speed/interval work, tempo runs, etc. Vary your run workouts. Run slower on easy/recovery days and then faster on speed or tempo days. Weight loss also contributes to increased speed. You can do ladder drills to help with increased cadence, and strides to practice quick leg turnover. Those are the things…
  • Your gym instructor should be well versed in arthritis. If not, find another instructor. You are definitely headed in the right direction! Arthritis needs to move. Contrary to what our brains tell us when we are in pain, exercise is one of the best things you can do for it. Also look into an anti inflammatory diet - use…
  • There are all kinds of things that can arise in your knees from running. A good sports doc can help you with your specific pain (diagnosis and treatment), vs relying on internet opinions. Weight loss will for sure help with the impact that your knees take on with running. Also strength training - building up your quads,…
  • I really like - playlist are on the site according to bpm, so I can choose music to work on my cadence. You get one free download per month (usually 30-45 min of music) or you can pay a small fee for more if you want. Great site!
  • Strengthening the muscles in your back (for your diagnosis) and all over in general will be really helpful. Strength training, like madkcole mentioned is a great thing to do! I also forgot to mention that I use Joint Vibrance every day. It has worked wonders on my joints! I think that in combination with my activity level…
  • Fabulous!!! Boston was my very first half last year! I've done two more since and I have two more coming up this fall. It is a really great race - the BAA always does a bang up job on their races! Keep your training efforts toward the goal cut off time. Last year they said the cut off was 2:30 (11:27 pace), but people were…
  • I believe swimming and yoga are good for your particular diagnosis. Arthritis in general needs to move - your brain will tell you otherwise, especially when you are feeling pain, but exercise will help decrease or even take the pain away. I have pretty bad arthritis, but I am very active and virtually pain free. I also eat…
  • These are great healthy swaps that I use too when I need a lower calorie meals. I love cauliflower rice - have been making it for years. Lots of other fun veggies to spiralize too - I do sweet potatoes and beets. I still use regular pasta on occasion and brown rice too. But I love the versatility of veggies and nutrient…
  • I follow an anti inflammatory diet most of the time and have virtually no pain. I do use ibuprofen on rare occasion now (used to take it all the time). Use the googles - there is a lot of info out there - I like Dr Weil's approach. I eat very close to his food pyramid for anti inflammatory eating. I also became much more…
  • I do a mix - specific miles for tempo run and speed work (intervals at the track). Then specific time (not miles) for long runs and recovery runs and walks. This balance has worked really well for me.
  • I hang mine from re-purposed license plates! Congratulations on starting your collection!! And happy running for your upcoming races! As for water - I usually bring some along for runs longer than an hour - especially in the Vegas heat. I use Nuun products with my water - loving the Nuun Plus for long runs. I usually sip…
  • Swimming laps is an excellent calorie burn and great cardio! You will have fat/weight loss, as long as you are staying within your calorie intake for the day and tracking well. I swim several times a week for 1-1.5 hours each time. I use it for cardio cross training for my running. If you are swimming with effort, you will…
  • For your side note on exercise...if you swim - hop in a pool (or lake or ocean) and swim laps...non impact to your knee (but be mindful of your particular injury) - it's a great cardio workout and calorie burn! As for your question - I track both (weight once a week and measurements once a month). When I am on track with…
  • If what you outlined above worked for you in the past, then try it again! :) Balance is key and your combinations of protein, veg, starch can also depend on what kind of exercise you are doing and need to fuel for. Generally speaking, the plan you noted is not a bad one. Watch the measurements on the nuts if you are having…
  • If you are eating a lot of veggies and beans, you are most likely going to find that you are getting enough fiber. The app tracks it - if you go to nutrition, then click on nutrients at the top, you'll find it on the list!
    in Fiber Comment by svirds June 2015
  • scottb81 is spot on! What you are experiencing is normal as you start out running. There are many variables to your heart rate (I've been learning, as I am currently doing heart rate training with my running coach). First is calculating your heart rate zones, so you know most accurately where your activity is falling.…
  • Swimming is the best option! Non impact and nice calorie burn as a bonus if you are treading or lap swimming!
  • Actually, I'm not...but have a great day!
    in breakfast Comment by svirds June 2015
  • Breakfast is essential and the most important meal of the day - please don't listen to the above posters! Your body needs fuel and energy to function at its best. You need to feed your body and your brain - recharging your body and brain makes your more efficient at just about everything! Think of it this way - when you…
    in breakfast Comment by svirds June 2015