Running medals display and water question

angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
edited July 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
By this fall after I run the Tarton Twosome at Maritime Race Weekend ( Friday night 5k and Saturday morning 10k) my running medal count goes from 2 medals to 5. (I get one medal for Friday night, one for Saturday and one for doing both.). Hanging them from the hook on my floor lenght lamp won't work. Where does everyone get their display racks for their medals?

I'm training now for that 10k run. (I'm up to 7k now). I had to get a water belt as it's to hot to be running without one! Do you keep running as you take a drink or do you stop and walk? I think it's going to take me awhile to get used to the belt.


  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Well done on your races :) I have a small metal curtain pole under our notice board in the kitchen that I hang my medals on and my race numbers are on the notice board.

    As for drinking, generally I don't take water unless running for over an hour and then I use a hydration pack as I find it comfiest, I slow down to take sips but it is a matter of timing so I don't struggle for breath.
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    Sounds like a fun race series- good luck!

    My medals are hanging around the neck of our vintage metal mannequin that also pulls double duty as a bike rack (his bottom half is just two bars the exact right distance apart to hold a bike tire). He's not to everybody's taste, but he sure is whimsical.

    As for drinking and running- I usually slow down or walk to drink, otherwise I snort half of it through my nose or choke or something similarly gross. I'd slow down til you're used to it, then pick up the pace.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    We put a reclaimed wood wall in our bedroom. I have some extra pieces that I plan to put up to hang medals just hasn't happened yet LOL
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I have 3 of my 4 most recent medals (the rest are at my parents' house hanging on a nail) on Command hooks on my bedroom wall. I had 4 up there, but it was too heavy and felled the hook :( I do have my race bibs though in a nice, scotch-taped configuration on my wall around a canvas sign that says "Do what makes you happy" that I got on clearance at Target -- a much easier running display!

    As for water: I drink and run at the same time, no slowing down for me! I usually only take water for 10+ mile runs, except for my 7-8 mile runs midweek when I run at 7 am and am dehydrated from the night's sleep.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I have an old curtain rod on the wall in my man cave behind my guitar hangers........I don't really display them as such. I do have a couple of significant ones that I've framed with the corresponding bib for what I consider milestones in my running.

    As to water, generally I don't carry any with me unless the run is longer than 90 minutes or it's obscenely hot outside (one of the reasons I like to run at the crack of dawn....) but when I do run with water I'll keep running and take very small sips from the flask (if you're properly hydrated before the run the need for water is usually more mental than physical). Some people find chewing gum helps keep the saliva production up but it's a matter of experimenting with what works for you.

  • svirds
    svirds Posts: 57 Member
    I hang mine from re-purposed license plates! Congratulations on starting your collection!! And happy running for your upcoming races!
    As for water - I usually bring some along for runs longer than an hour - especially in the Vegas heat. I use Nuun products with my water - loving the Nuun Plus for long runs. I usually sip as I go, I don't stop. As you experiment and get comfortable, you'll find what works for you!sqd7mwag8oyj.jpg
  • mochapygmy
    mochapygmy Posts: 2,123 Member
    edited July 2015
    I don't display my medals or race bibs. They all get put in a freebie bag I got at some race with my collection of safety pins.

    I do however have the date, location and my time engraved on the back of my medals. A family member has the tool and does it for me. I write notes on the back of my bibs with a felt tipped pen. Stuff like date, location, time, weather, who I did this with, how I felt and notes about the race like was it well organized, if there was an after party was it fun etc etc.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    Check out I don't have any medals but I have a ton of race bibs that I wanted to keep so I got this BibFolio for Christmas.

    This one is kinda cool. You can write your PRs with dry erase.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    SBRRepeat wrote: »

    My medals are hanging around the neck of our vintage metal mannequin that also pulls double duty as a bike rack (his bottom half is just two bars the exact right distance apart to hold a bike tire). He's not to everybody's taste, but he sure is whimsical.

    I love this!

    My daughter has one of these she's filling up - runner m.htm

    I hang mine over my dresser mirror.

    Love the license plate idea.

    On water - until my first HM I never took water with me. Sometimes (like yesterday) I'll take some, I planned to run 8 miles and it was really humid, otherwise I don't take any at all.

  • dirtyflirty30
    dirtyflirty30 Posts: 222 Member
    Etsy has a TON of unique race medal/bib holders.
  • ElsaVonMarmalade
    ElsaVonMarmalade Posts: 154 Member
    I have cheap, nice-looking tie racks for my medals from The Container Store. (I also use them for my necklaces.) We had them hanging near our treadmill but they are too attractive to toddlers, so now they're all in a drawer and have become toys/dress-up items. Some day they'll be hanging up again!
  • chokeslam512
    chokeslam512 Posts: 78 Member
    svirds wrote: »
    I hang mine from re-purposed license plates! Congratulations on starting your collection!! And happy running for your upcoming races!
    As for water - I usually bring some along for runs longer than an hour - especially in the Vegas heat. I use Nuun products with my water - loving the Nuun Plus for long runs. I usually sip as I go, I don't stop. As you experiment and get comfortable, you'll find what works for you!sqd7mwag8oyj.jpg

    Very cool! What is the Sugar Skull medal from?
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I have my marathon medal hanging from the corner of the mirror on my dresser. I don't display any other medals.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    edited July 2015
    mochapygmy wrote: »
    I don't display my medals or race bibs. They all get put in a freebie bag I got at some race with my collection of safety pins.

    I do however have the date, location and my time engraved on the back of my medals. A family member has the tool and does it for me. I write notes on the back of my bibs with a felt tipped pen. Stuff like date, location, time, weather, who I did this with, how I felt and notes about the race like was it well organized, if there was an after party was it fun etc etc.

    heh- I used to keep all my race bib pins to from HS- pretty sure I still have some (I put them together in a particular way that I know was from that time frame) LOL_ no idea why- but it's totally a thing I do. LOL Glad to know i"m not alone!!

    As far water- I don't drink unless it's like 1.5-2 hours- but I rarely run that long. so I would skip water for a 10K... I would probably stop half a second and sip- then keep going- to me the issue is more getting to it and returning it than drinking it.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I have my medals on a rack made for holding keys and whatnot up in my home office. Nothing fancy, but now I need to get another... :o

    The bibs are stacked up on a book shelf somewhere. I may pin them all to my garage wall one day, but, who knows. Maybe I'll put them in a scrapbook.

    For water, I don't drink anything during a training run shorter than 13 miles (the furthest I've trained). At races, I use the water stops and usually take a brief walk to drink, then get back to the running. I do always have water waiting for me in my car when I'm finished with my run.
  • csk0018
    csk0018 Posts: 219 Member
    I'd love to do something with all my medals and bibs but right now -- they're in a shoe box! :)

    As for my runs -- if I'm wearing my fuel belt, I'll keep running and just take sips of water when needed. You'll get used to the belt after a while. Good luck on your 10K!
  • hmrambling
    hmrambling Posts: 321 Member
    I had a board made by someone on etsy. I had a custom message put on it: "Trained for a 5K. Ran a Marathon. Anything is possible." It has pegs on the bottom to hang medals on.

    Like this:

    I continue running when I drink water.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    Medals - are sitting on a bookshelf. I don't race often; they would look very pathetic on display. One medal is a bottle opener that came with screws to mount it to the wall in my (nonexistent) basement bar, though!

    Water - I run with a hydration pack (Camelbak Marathoner) at 15+ mi or 12ish on hot days. I did train for my first marathon with a hydration *belt*. I always kept running while futzing with the bottles, but I'm sure my pace slowed down. That's appropriate--I wasn't paying as much attention to where my feet were going, and I'd hate to have twisted an ankle on bad sidewalk.

    I find I drink a lot more water with the Camelbak--it's much less annoying and distracting to pop the hose in my mouth than maneuvering the bottles, so I do it more often. :)
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Etsy has a ton of nice medal holders. Do a search for race medal holder and you'll get a ton of great options.