Lilith200 Member


  • My goodness...really I had no clue posting a "thank you" would result in all of this. I am like many people I think in that I am learning as I go and don't know many of the in depth things talked about in this thread. I don't doubt everyone contributing is right about what they are saying, even if it may come across…
  • RoxieDawn! You are one of the people who provided this kind of information that resulted in me getting past my wall! Thank you!!! I was eating 1000-1200 calories daily and exercising 5-6 days and went from 210 down to 201 but then nothing for a month. After reading your insights (and similar others) I increased my daily…
  • I experienced similar and hit a wall for 3 weeks. Then I read this kind of helpful forum (thank you for your bravery in asking and sharing!) and decided to up my calories to 1600 and reduce my workouts from 5-6 days to 3 days a week of HIIT. In 2 weeks I have lost 8 lbs (down from 201 to 193). Still have a ways to go but I…
  • Wow... I am so incredibly happy that I didn't read many of these comments back when I was under eating and needing more nutrients to fuel my workouts lol! I understand that weight loss is a topic that often resembles ideology so I get it...we know what we know and 'believe' what we know is generalizable to everyone. I…
  • I am just now mostly getting over a head cold (continued to workout) that turned into a cough (took a week off). I was worried that it would screw up my results and hard work but was able to return to working out this week and have still managed to lose weight during my time off. That said, I may have aggravated my…