Increasing calories helped--thanks!

A couple of months ago I started on the journey to become healthier by tracking calories and increasing exercise. The first 2 weeks I lost 10lbs then nothing. I apparently hit a wall but held out hope I was doing the right things. My caloric intake was around 1100 calories each day, which apparently was my norm because I didn't really change much...just tracked. My macros looked good and I continued to eat whole foods.

After feeling depressed and frustrated, I noticed I was incredibly forgetful and having a difficult time concentrating. So I turned to this forum to see if anyone else experienced this. And that's when I discovered I wasn't eating enough and apparently haven't been for years despite weighing over 200lbs.

So I took the trusting plunge and increased my calories to 1600 per day...mostly. I gotta be honest, most days I choked down as much as I could and still only reached 1500 calories.

But it worked! I have lost 8lbs since then and feel happier, less forgetful, and have an easier time concentrating. My energy has also picked up a bit.

So thank you to all the wise souls who shared their wisdom about metabolism and who shared deeper insights than the standard "calories in/calories out" advice so common on some forums. Looking at me no one would ever guess it possible that I was a chronic under-eater so I am incredibly grateful for those of you who have shared such helpful information! THANK YOU!!


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    That is wonderful.
    So glad things have turned around for you and you were nice enough to come back and update us.

    Cheers, h.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    @goldthistime I had the same thought as you, then re thought and decided general activity levels have probably risen enough that intake, activity and loss are more inline with what is expected, in general, with @Lilith200's stats.

    Cheers, h.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    It sounds like you were eating below your BMR before which is never a good idea. Glad you are seeing results and feeling better now on more calories!!

    CICO is the norm, but it IS possible to have a slowed metabolism due to eating too few calories. It's not possible to get to 200 pounds eating ONLY a thousand cals a day, but it CAN stall your weight loss to eat too few calories or too few carbs because it screws up your hormones. People forget this.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member

    Yup. If you eat so little that you end up lethargic calories out can plummet.

  • Dove0804
    Dove0804 Posts: 213 Member
    edited October 2016
    CICO is the norm, but it IS possible to have a slowed metabolism due to eating too few calories. It's not possible to get to 200 pounds eating ONLY a thousand cals a day, but it CAN stall your weight loss to eat too few calories or too few carbs because it screws up your hormones. People forget this.

    Yes, eating too few calories over an extended period of time can slow metabolism. No, it does not stop weight loss. If someone is eating too few calories, it will be unhealthy but they will lose weight.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,632 Member
    good to hear how great you're doing. I don't know how many calories i was eating a day, but for years i only ate twice a day & never lost weight. Now i'm eating several times a day & loosing weight & have more energy. Keep up the good work!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I don't get what the issue is here. The OP stated that she feels better and is losing weight again while eating more. Why in the world should people be doubting this? Whether it's retained water that's been lost, or increased energy, faster metabolism, or whatever, the fact is that eating more than she was has helped her get back to losing weight. As she said, if she was "eating more than she thought" at what she says was 1100 calories, wouldn't she still be eating even more at what she says is 1600?

    Congrats, OP, I hope you continue to lose the weight and have better energy!

    But you would lose more weight at 1100 calories than 1600 calories not that I am recommending that at all. My verdict is water retention from exercise that she lost when she stopped exercising as much
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    As she said, if she was "eating more than she thought" at what she says was 1100 calories, wouldn't she still be eating even more at what she says is 1600?

    Not necessarily. We don't know, for example that she's eating exactly the same foods. Maybe, at the lower calorie count, she used a "diet" bread that reported a lot less calories on the label than were actually in a slice. Stuff like that. And a higher goal makes many people less likely to subconsciously "cheat the count" by licking spoons, not log cooking spray, etc.

    That said, I am very happy that the OP made this change and that she's seeing the results she was working hard for. Personally, I cannot imagine living on 1100 (or even 1200) calories/day. I am always amazed when people say they can live on so little.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited October 2016
    @Lilith200, congratulations on finding that sweet spot in your weight loss journey. It's true, when we find that sweet spot it's absolutely incredible. We are happier, move more, watch our intake and life is good.

    However, there is not one single person in this conversation who is being rude to you, they are simply telling you the truth in responding to your claim that your were not losing on 1100 calories.

    How can it be that you were 200 pounds and eating only 1100 calories a day? I can tell you, when I was 226 pounds years ago, I was only eating two meals a day, trying to lose weight and convinced I was not eating that much at all and could not figure out why I was growing instead of losing. Well, those two meals a day were not large but they were calorie laden, and certainly well over the 1200 or 1300 I tried to convince myself I was eating.