Why have I stopped losing weight?

I started my get fit / get healthy goal 9 weeks ago. I lost 10% body fat and 9kg in the first seven weeks. I've now sat on 68kg for two weeks. Can anyone suggest what I can do to jump start the weight loss again.
Thanks in advance


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,371 Member
    You have lost a significant amount of weight in seven weeks given your lowish start base...averaged out its a kilo a week which is not insubstantial.

    Given that you are now 68kilos, you can't expect to continue losing at the rate you have been.

    A couple of things to consider: have you checked your daily allowance since you've started, if may be lower now due to the weight loss; are you measuring and weighing everything that passes your lips?

    Oh, and how many calories are you eating on average per day and what exercise are you doing? How many more kilos to your goal weight and what is your height?

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited October 2016
    edited my original post: You are not using a food scale and you work hard to under eat your calorie goal each day. You are to reach that calorie goal, not try to beat that calorie goal. The goal already has your deficit built in it. You are compounding all efforts to lose weight by doing it in a more aggressive fashion.

    You need to fix this part and also start weighing and logging your food intake.. You can very well easily eat more than you think and as you get closer to goal this is going to be even more important. Slowness at the last 10-15 pounds will be inevitable especially if you continue to do it aggressively.

    Also weight loss is NOT linear, you will lose some weeks and some not. Instead of typing all this out, I am attaching the handy flow chart.

  • Thank you for your quick reply. I'm using scales and scanner on app to log food. Yep I'm logging everything that passes my lips except water but I'm ensuring I drink at least 2500 ml a day. My problem was that I only ever ate dinner and always the wrong thing so now I'm eating breakfast lunch dinner and snacks ( still not perfect at remembering them all but at least getting in three meals a day). I'm eating what I think is healthy, and trying to spread calories proteins and carbs throughout the day. I'm just wondering why the loss has just stopped. I do minimum 40 minutes cardio a day on doctor advice for high blood pressure that prompted the get fit lose weight goal. I'm still way over recommended bmi and have until December to get blood pressure down before the doc will start me on meds- I desperately don't want to take medication - so need to completely rule out weight before I investigate other cause.
  • I'm 163 cm tall and 46 years old.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Thank you for your quick reply. I'm using scales and scanner on app to log food. Yep I'm logging everything that passes my lips except water but I'm ensuring I drink at least 2500 ml a day. My problem was that I only ever ate dinner and always the wrong thing so now I'm eating breakfast lunch dinner and snacks ( still not perfect at remembering them all but at least getting in three meals a day). I'm eating what I think is healthy, and trying to spread calories proteins and carbs throughout the day. I'm just wondering why the loss has just stopped. I do minimum 40 minutes cardio a day on doctor advice for high blood pressure that prompted the get fit lose weight goal. I'm still way over recommended bmi and have until December to get blood pressure down before the doc will start me on meds- I desperately don't want to take medication - so need to completely rule out weight before I investigate other cause.

    I updated my original post.. hopefully this will clarify why you are not losing..
  • Lilith200
    Lilith200 Posts: 7 Member
    RoxieDawn! You are one of the people who provided this kind of information that resulted in me getting past my wall! Thank you!!! I was eating 1000-1200 calories daily and exercising 5-6 days and went from 210 down to 201 but then nothing for a month. After reading your insights (and similar others) I increased my daily intake to 1600 and reduced exercising to 3 days of HIIT and so far it's only been a couple weeks but I have lost 8 lbs and feel better physically and psychologically. I posted a thank you of sorts but the comments seemed to be negative about how this result wasn't possible and that I was spreading a myth? Anyways I felt awful until I saw you post here and am so happy to be able to thank you personally! Thank you for helping those of us who are not deceiving ourselves with calories consumed and are legitimately needing this kind of information to help find a good track. Please keep sharing your knowledge! Sorry to hijack your post Sandy ;)
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, as the others have said, you have been losing weight incredibly fast. It stands to reason you would not keep up that pace.

    Your body can only utilize so much fat at one time. Unless you are very obese, losing more than 1% of your body weight per week likely means you are losing significant muscle mass.

    Weight loss is not linear. Even if you are 100% perfect, some weeks you will lose more, some weeks you will lose less, some weeks you won't lose anything, some weeks you might even gain weight. It's perfectly normal to go a couple of weeks with no change on the scale.

    If you have gotten medical advice to lose weight at such an aggressive pace, I'm certainly not in a position to disagree, but I do want to say I hope you don't cause one problem while trying to solve another. Eating such a low amount of calories and losing weight fast can lead to malnutrition and muscle loss. Please take care of yourself, best of luck.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Have you recalculated your calories based on your new weight & goals? Your TDEE can change as you lose weight and you've dropped a lot of weight.