Ariadnula Member


  • I do enjoy Saturday morning at the gym. Squats (with extra t-shirt, to protect my ever-so-sensitive skin!): 5x5 @ 65.5kg Bench: (back down to muscle-back vest, feels much better): 5x5 @ 31kg Row: 5x5 @ 16kg dumbbell Chin ups: 2x4 Pull ups: um... two. Kind of.
  • Oh, yipes, sorry to hear that, @melodiclyrics. Take it easy. I really really focus on neutral spine now, I use to be afraid of deadlifts as it felt so precarious, but then I realised I was curving forward.
  • Ewwww! Fungal. There's a thought... I can't say the anti histamine cream is doing much, so who knows. Definitely back to covering up, anyway. I thought about using a bar pad - I have my own, but I've been told they're not a great idea, and I don't know if it would work at all with a low bar position.
  • Oh man, I am going mad with itchiness today! I stupidly just went to the gym in a vest top last night, thinking, this is silly, just get on with it. And then I could barely sleep! I went to the pharmacy about 45 mins ago and they recommended some antihistamine cream, which I have slathered on. I suppose this will tell…
  • I love my fractional plates, best thing ever! Tonight's effort: Squats: 5x5 @ 65kg Deadlift: 1x5 @ 65kg OHP: 3/5/4/5/4 @ 23kg - wobbly arms! The under / over hand grip transformed my deadlift too, @VeryKatie !
  • ooh, I'm jealous re the time in China - I love China. I think you should be able to work out a decent bodyweight and dumbbell routine. I know what you mean about increasing bench weights using dumbbells, but maybe you can increase reps rather than weight, till you're strong enough to go up in weight? I wouldn't try…
  • How frustrating! I'm super itchy today... despite wearing a t-shirt yesterday. I'll try taking an antihistamine and see what happens.
  • Oh! hadn't thought of that... it feels more like an allergic reaction, but I suppose that's possible!
  • I do sometimes, yes - cheaper jewellery can make my ears or fingers itch. But only a little, and after I wear it for a while, which is why this is surprising - that bar isn't there terribly long! It IS pressing on me pretty hard, mind you :smile:
  • Hmm, a bit of googling suggests the bar might be coated in nickel, and maybe I'm allergic to that. The obvious answer is to go back to t-shirts. Bah - I like my new tops!
  • Made it to the gym after work, which took some self-talk about 'discipline' as it's Friday night! It was nice and quiet, though! Squats: 5x5 @ 62.5kg Deadlifts: 1x5 @ 62.5kg OHP: 5x5 @ 22.5 kg Feeling good after that lot....
  • Interesting to see so many squat-haters: I really like squats! They're my best lift. Though I have chunky cyclist thighs, so I might be starting from a strong squat situation! Last night: Squat: 5x5 @ 61kg - interesting to see how heavy this has become, when it's not long since I did 80! Bench: 5x5 @ 30kg - I could have…
  • Back to the gym - and back to stronglifts! It's been a bit of a strange week or two so my gym attendance has been patchy... and I was bored with all the accessory work in PHUL... I just love squats, really! So today I got to the gym, got myself a rack, and started at a lowish weigh - and loved being back at it. I've got…
  • France! We're flying to the south and cycling north! Tent, loads of panniers ... I can't wait! :smile:
  • Wow, I've been falling behind, it's great to catch up on what you've all been doing! I've had a stressy week, but I did make it to the gym a couple of times, and got a decent bike ride in, so not all bad. Tonight I replaced front squats and barbell lunges with kettlebell goblet squats and lunges. I don't feel like my form…
  • @DawnEmbers - it's getting exciting just reading about your preparations! The singlet, the belt... What date is the competition?
  • Short one today - my right hamstring started to hurt and I decided not to push it. So: Squats: 4x3 @ 60kg - the first few as I warmed up felt so good, I was going really deep. I was aiming for 70kg, maybe 75. But then, ouch. So I stuck at 60 Deadlifts: 3x5 @ 60kg - there felt good But then I skipped the press, curls, calf…
  • Last night: bench press: 3x3 @ 35kg incline bench dumbbells: 4x6 @ 12kg bent over row: 4x5 @ 16kg Lat pull down - 4x6, though did chin ups and pull ups instead, mostly assisted OHP: 3x5 @ 22.5kg skullcrusher: 2x10 @ 19kg Skipped the curls as I ran out of time and had a friend waiting for me in a restaurant! I'm really…
  • Stop feeling guilty, @kimiuzzell! Sometimes things just get too much. And you're still running! So just be kind to yourself and try to recognise the difference between what is an excuse and what is just sensible rationing of your energy.
  • @canadianlbs I haven't stopped eating for the past 24 hours! I also had to back off on weights at the gym tonight as my quads and hamstrings are a tad weary... front squats: 3x10 @ 25kg lunges: 3x10 @ 30kg leg curl: 3x15 @ 10? I can't remember - less than before! leg extension 3x15 @ again, about 5kg last than last week…
  • Flipping heck ... No gym today, but went for a bike ride. Turned into 50 hilly miles, the latter half in a blizzard. And then a couple of miles walk home with a flat tyre! I would have fixed it, but it was sooooooo cold and snowy that it was better to just keep moving. Lucky it happened where it did - if that had happened…
  • 42.5 bench! And 45 row ... Wow, well done!
  • Upper hypertrophy day. barbell incline bench: 3x12 @ 21.5kg flat bench dumbbell fly: 3x12 @ 6kg - just been watching a video and I definitely don't go back / down far enough, so I need to work on that seated cable row: 3x12 @ 21.15kg one arm dumbbell row: 3x10 @ 16kg dumbbell lateral raise: 3x10 @ 4kg - oof, these are…
  • Oh my god! That sounds terrifying - and your poor husband! Bet you looked good to everyone else, though :smiley:
  • Fractional plates come really, really small, too - I have 0.25kg plates, so I can add half a kilo at a time. I have eight of them, so I really can build up slowly.
  • Squat: 3x5 @ 70kg Deadlift: 3x4 @ 60kg Leg curl: 4x10 @ 15kg Leg press: 3x15 @ 55kg Calf exercises: 3x10 on the edge of a step
  • Back to day one of PHUL. bench: 3x5 @ 30kg incline bench 3x5 @ 12kg dumbbells row: 3x5 @ 16kg dumbbells - there was no barbell free lat pull down - I did pull ups and chin ups, 4 'free' and then 3x10 with assist OHP: 3x3 @ 22.5 - no power for this today! barbell curl - again, no b/b, so 3x10 with 6kg d/bs skull crusher:…
  • It's much harder to write up my workouts now that they're not just squat-something-something! I can't remember all my weights I used right now, but my main thoughts are: Front squat - these just don't work! I did 3x8 at 25kg, but seriously, I need to watch some form videos as they just don't feel right to me And barbell…
  • PHUL day 3, upper hyper trophy. I got a bit jumpy about this in advance, just because I'm so used to going to the gym and knowing exactly what I'm going to do - this was all new, would the benches be free etc? Which is ridiculous given I'm normally stressed about getting a rack, and the benches are pretty much always…
  • That's so great! Funny, I was just thinking the other day that what I really need is gymnastics or acrobatics. Man, if people look at me funny as an older woman in the gym, just wait till I start jumping over walls :smiley: