cutbackcoach Member


  • People differ for reasons no one completely understands. Experiment with morning, midday, and late afternoon or evening training. For strength and muscular development goals, you absolutely should try to find a way to workout at the time at which you personally are strongest. The heavier the weight, the better the…
  • Protocols like that are variously called "rest-pause sets" or "cluster sets" - basically a time-efficient way to get more strength adaptations than you'd get with the lighter loads you'd be forced to use in a vanilla 1 x 25 "endurance" set, but with such short rests that you still also get significant endurance/work…
  • This is great advice. One other thing to consider. For your muscle-building goals, it is critical that your training be good, hard, intense training - muscles don't grow with reminders, gentle hints, or suggestions - you have to make them contract hard to keep the adaptations coming. The calorie balance is important - that…
  • Bulgarian split squats, deep walking lunges, high box step ups, walking stairs 2-3 at a time - those are your best options for your specific goal, if you cannot squat or do the next best thing, the kinds of loaded bridges popularized by Bret Contreras - which it sounds like you have tried. To see any appreciable change in…
  • Garmin makes a range of great GPS watches with multi-sport capability and pretty stunning accuracy - mine are within 10-20 meters over certified courses. I love their stuff - have had several over the years - they get better and better -, and all models have been reliable and easy to set up and use. I second that comment…
  • Don't put up with it - its not normal or inevitable. Get a second medical opinion - 14 pounds overweight is a pretty questionable "cause" of the type of pain you describe. The truth is that back and leg pain is common, often somewhat time-consuming to sort out and fix, and some primary care doctors give it less attention…
  • That's a classic pattern for your training Hanna - two months into heavy lifting - some new muscle appearing, while inches are disappearing from the fat-storage locations - dollars to donuts you are losing bodyfat and gaining muscle at the same time, the net of which is that slowing of the decrease in scale-weight. Its…
  • Sue, You know what happens when 50 year old women with back problems and some weight left to lose start and stay with an effective strength training program? They turn into very strong 51 or 52 year old women with far less or no back problems. If they diet just as effectively, they turn into lighter, stronger, 51 or 52…
  • Join, teach my tribe how to make bite-proof armor from the cheap abundant floor mats, soon have it all under control.