It's hard gaining quality mass once natural test levels start dropping around your age. On the bright side you probably make more money LoL.
I'd cut out cardio. I'd add a lot of red meat. I'd focus on working legs, chest and back in the gym with basic movements. At this stage you're probably going to gain weight if you just eat until you feel satisfied like you're recovering well from workouts. Counting calories is more useful in losing weight at a point where…
I remember back in the day when I first started lifting around age 16. Constant exposure to disinformation from muscle magazines from from basically every mainstream info source out there. It's a joke. At the same time, it's very lucrative. Ignorant people think it's just a matter of taking a supplement…
It has been stated you havr dream expectatios op. I agree. I see you look pretty muscular already. Good luck adding 10 lbs muscle in 5 years and keeping similar conditioning. Person might add 30 lbs of muscle above what they carry naturally. Thats it.
Checking your weight on a weekly basis for gains in muscle doesnt add up. You could be overeating holding water etc. The most incremental sign of muscular prog is getting systematically stronger on compound lifts such as bench press, shoulder press, squat, leg press, bb row, deadlift. To be honest only a rank beginner or a…
Semantics man made agencies man made classifications nature endogenous exogenous..whew. Op, your sense of critical thinking is good; the 'thermogenic' probably works if there's a lot of scrutiny on it. For that matter, most of these compounds that work were made by some pharmaceutical company in a lab. If it's an obscure…
Thanks. It's the best I could do to stay true on short notice.
Seeing as how ephedrine is illegal and amphetamine requires a prescription for attention problems or narcolepsy, I don't think those two could be in the product. I'd venture caffeine is in there just because it's in virtually every energy boost supplement and accounts for most 'non-placebo' effects. Caffeine is a drug, a…
Caffeine, ephedrine, amphetamine. Kill appetite, give you loads of energy increase your metabolic rate. Once you're off the same effects... in reverse.
Which part is nonsense? The part that's fact?
Thermogenics means drugs. They work. Once you're off the weight comes back on. Then you say one more time. Then, because the most effective ones are semi-addictive stimulants, you end up addicted. Simple?
London is the perfect ticket to depression. No sunshine and a lot of people w/ stiff upper lip. I would do calisthenics (bw exercises) like push ups, pull ups, sit ups, dips, planks, etc. There's amazing variety on some YouTube videos.