claregib Member


  • I think I need to make more of an effort in adding things like chickpeas and soya beans at lunch and also swap my snacks from fruit to protein. I'm not a great fan of lentils/legumes but do like tofu so I have no excuses. My macros at the moment are: 40% -91g of carbs, 30% -52g protein, 30% -52g of fat.
  • I don't eat hardly any dairy or legumes/lentils# pulses. I sometimes have tofu and drink a lot of almond milk, both shop bought and homemade also a few times a week have almond, pecans or walnuts. . I have recently started adding hulled hemp seeds to salads and soya yoghurt. I do like nut butters but can't control my urge…
  • Almond butter and frozen banana slices. Frozen blueberries topped with provamel soya yoghurt and if I can be bothered sliced courgette stacked with a cherry tomato a quail egg and some basil.
  • Thanks everyone. I have decided not to buy anymore almond butter. I'm in the UK and usually buy the Meridian almond butter which contains only almonds. The problem is I can never stick to 1 tbs due to it being so sticky and its impossible to level it out. Nothing to do with me being unable to resist the urge of putting the…
  • I found low carbing, high protein and exercising after meals helped a great deal. Nothing to strenuous after food just a brisk walk or gentle cycling. Cutting out refined sugar and limiting fruit to 2 sometime 3 portions a day (I only eat berries, tangerines, apples and plums). Also check on packages the carb and sugar…
  • Thanks everyone. I,m going to add more almonds and boiled eggs. I think half the problem is getting stuck in a rut with food choices. Hopefully variety will bring more satisfaction, just needed a but of moral support and ideas
    in bad day Comment by claregib August 2015
  • Hi i feel the same. Been trying this healthy life style for a while but lately cant stay on track. I used to eat raw veggies if i wanted to just graze and pick but lately they're not doing the trick. I end up having these and then some naughty ones too. My meals are healthy but its usually nibbles that make me fall off…
  • I like these but usually add either some (small amount) of ground almonds or flaxseed/linseedss. I then top it with a few frozen berries and flaked almonds or serve with greek yoghurt. I find these quite good for lunch or when you want something sweet.
  • Ah thank you so much for your support. Its now past midnight so its a new day. Planned my meals for tomorrow and yesterday is forgotten about. Think i was just having a blip and more frustrated with myself for giving into things that wasnt even that nice, hey ho
  • Thanks for all your help. I went for the vogel seeded bread which is yummie. I do have to watch my carbs and sugar intake as have recently had a kidney/pancreas transplant. My blood sugar level does raise quite quickly with white flour and makes me feel really bad. So far the vogel and budgens bread are small slices and I…
    in Bread Comment by claregib July 2015
  • Thanks everyone. Its only the last week that Ive picked up this addiction, never used to interest my before. It states that its 5 cals for 100g so I'm not too concerned about weight gain but going to knock it on the head from tomorrow :) Thanks everyone for your response xx
  • Stay positive and we can all achieve the same goal together. I always try to plan in advance and get rid of the so called treats :)