Wondertje Member


  • This is what I did: Margherita (from local pizzeria): 1200 kcal/pizza Greek Pizza (from local pizzeria): 1500 kcal/pizza and then I simply average it out. From the 100+ pages* I checked for calories in pizza they all said somewhere between 800-1500, so I took the two pizzas I eat and added them as somewhere in the high end…
  • I mostly just laught about it. As an example, today I got flagged for "abuse" when I told someone who got heavy spinning dizziness everything she lifted her arms over her head to go see a doctor instead of asking us for advice on how to lift. But I really don't let it bother me, I know I meant nothing but good and I assume…
  • I'm impressed, well done!
  • Go see a doctor/physiotherapist and get a specific workout routine for you. No one here can help you with that since we a) are not doctors/experts b) don't know everything about your condition in detail. Really, I never understood why people come here with medical conditions and ask us what to do with them. Not trying to…
  • Actually, it's all my bad for this misunderstanding! I wasn't aware that MFP calculator wasn't a TDEE calculator, and as such called it TDEE when I didn't mean that. This has taught me a great deal though, so I do appreciate it! But please don't kill each other over my mistake :smile: @AJ_G - That was a great break down of…
  • See, now that explains a lot of my confusion. Thank you! Thanks for a great "debate" also, I'm taking as much in as a I can, and I usually try to google/look around to teach myself. But input from others always make me happy :smile:
  • Another question to those who say that when I put it to "Lightly Active" the calories are already included - how is that possible? It says in the description of that level that it's for someone who works out 1-3 times a week, wouldn't that give a range of calories to add depending on what I do and how often? How can just…
  • Yeah, that might be a good addition for information: I've only ever used MFP calculator because I really don't know how any of this works really. So MFP isn't a TDEE calculator, I thought it was because it looks like all the other TDEE calculators I've found so far. Meaning, it uses the input of age, gender, height, weight…
  • So, we start this thread off with two completely contradicting answers. Doesn't make me any less confused :wink:
  • That would be an irrelevant example, seeing as the illiterate person doesn't actually have the knowledge to teach someone to read, whilst an obese nutritionist very well could have all the knowledge in the world - without applying it to him/her-self. Same as with the plumber-example someone gave further up, again comparing…
  • Uppsala, Sweden! Or just "The Dark Cold North", if you will :smile:
  • I'd say, based on your profile picture that you look like you could be quite the catch. Even with the extra weight, you don't look bad at all! But with that said, I've heard from plenty of friends that I'd be a catch, but they were still my friends and not interested in me in that way. Those two are not mutually exclusive,…
  • To me that sounds like very yummy food/cookies and I don't recommend you feel an ounce of guilt for enjoying them! Simply take some time to enjoy some treats, and then keep going as normal after Thanksgiving - you can do it! :smile:
    in Guilt Comment by Wondertje November 2014
  • Personally, I think anything more than once a day is a sign of a mindset that's striking dangerously close to obsessed/dangerous. I weigh myself once a day, before breakfast after morning toilet visit, naked. I don't plan on doing this forever, but for the first two months I want to get a good graph chart of how my monthy…
  • I think you said something very important when you said "the day I know I'm going to binge".. if that's really what you're doing, then it needs to stop. There is a very important difference between allowing yourself to eat some more calories, or even unlimited calories due to a special occasion - and going off on a binge.…
    in Guilt Comment by Wondertje November 2014
  • Just a question, but why do you guys not log when you're not the ones cooking the food? I'm always logging everything I eat, if I haven't cooked it myself I will guesstimate the amount of butter/oil to something I'd find reasonable, judging by my knowledge of the person and what standards in general are. I'd much rather…
  • It's true what everyone above here is saying, that it won't matter in the great scheme. However, I think it's more important that you solve the problem with bingeing, rather than worry about whether you will gain weight from it or not. I'd recommend you go see your doctor and talk it over. I've been in the position where I…
  • Because I told her gingers have no souls!
  • Well we can start a club then, I like myself too! I mean.. I like you! You seem nice! I'll add you up as a friend, if you don't mind! I'm quite new here too, so I don't really know anyone yet :smile:
  • Nicely written comment to make it sound like it's welcoming you with warm and open arms. Joke aside, welcome! :smile:
  • To be honest, I don't recognise the brand of muesli you're eating, but 800+ calories for what appears to be 45g seems like a HUGE amount (as in, incorrect). If you search muesli and choose the first few options it gives you: Muesli - Dried fruit and nuts, 340 kcal/100g Euroshopper - Muesli, 345 kcal/100g Lidl - Muesli, 324…