
Hi everyone,

I just need some confirmation from other people - I won't gain after a binge day, will I? (binge day meaning around 700 calories more than usual)


  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    A single day, once in a while, will have zero long-term effect on you.

    Make a habit of it and that'll be a different story.
  • ASG_21
    ASG_21 Posts: 82 Member
    As bulbadoof said, one binge day means nothing in the scheme of things. It also depends on your deficit--If you're set to lose 2 lbs per week, that 700 won't even reach your maintenance calories, meaning you're still in a deficit!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    need more info than this. How often is the binge day? If its rarity like once a week or less frequently, then you will at max just undo that weeks work. Lets do some maths!
    binge = 700 calories surplus
    weekly targetted loss: 0.5 lbs per week
    weekly averaged calorie cut based on 0.5 lbs per week = 1750
    1750 - 700: 1050 calories

    So yes, if you have set your weight loss to a 0.5 lbs per week (I am assuming here btw) and have a 700 calories binge no more than once a week, you will still be losing.

    BUT, do note that many binges mean heavy sodium intake which means more water retention which means you showing artificial weight gain on scale. A simple fix is to not weight yourself for couple of days after binge and increase your water intake significantly to get rid of the water weight.

    good luck.
  • Wondertje
    Wondertje Posts: 63 Member
    edited November 2014
    It's true what everyone above here is saying, that it won't matter in the great scheme. However, I think it's more important that you solve the problem with bingeing, rather than worry about whether you will gain weight from it or not. I'd recommend you go see your doctor and talk it over.

    I've been in the position where I would binge not often, but frequently enough for it to be a pattern. And for me, it was all emotional and due to a severe case of seasonal affection disorder - something I hadn't even thought of! So please, for your own good, go talk to somebody and see if you can sort it out. After that, things will settle much more easily and it'll be much more fun to try and lead a healthy life :smile:

    EDIT: Just saw on your profile that you're a recovering anorexic, so I assume you already have people around to support you and to talk to. Go at it and I'm sure you'll do just fine! Cheers :smile: