nataliewalters5851 Member


  • Hi ladies, Fellow dancer here! I definitely can relate to missing the discipline and excitement that goes with dance and stepping on the stage too. I set a date for my first Bikini show for Oct 1st, 2016. I started lifting seriously about 1 1/2 years ago and I want to push myself physically and mentally. My brother is a…
  • Geeze. Poor guy. His title was supposed to be a joke pretty sure. Anyways we all start somewhere! I'm currently just focusing on building strength. Current stats Age: 23 Ht: 5'2" Wt:130 1RM Bench: 105 Squat: 205 Deadlift: 245 OHP: 80
  • From what I've read, it's been suggested to start adding 5-10g of carbs and 1-2g of fat per week to see how you react and if there's any weight gain on the scale. Not sure where the 100 cals per week comes from but I'm willing to hear any info. I don't want to add calories in to quickly because I don't want a large…
  • This is my current situation right now. Been dieting for the past year. Just started training last year and I lift heavy but obviously can't increase strength as much in a calorie deficit. Finally got down to 1200 calories a day and nothing's happening. Just spinning my wheels, cheating on my diet, and repeating the cycle.…
  • Haha. Cheers to heavy lifting!!
  • My food log diary is open if you want to look at it. Of course it varies for each individual but for my height I stay at about 1200 calories and try to get at least about 130g protein and focus on carbs from brown rice, sweet potato and veggies. I did a lot of research when it came to exercise. YouTube and…
  • Wow!! You are really an inspiration. I was at my heaviest 10 months ago and have lost 40lbs since then. My ultimate goal is to compete so seeing your story is really inspiring to me. Thanks!
  • 5'2" here too! I started at my heaviest at about 160lbs and am down 40lbs to 120lbs in 10 months. I'm focusing on losing 10 more pounds and building muscle but I feel like my life has completely changed. I was so depressed before and now I feel great and comfortable in my own skin. I absolutely agree that lifting is…
  • Congratulations on starting this journey and trying to make a plan. Google is your ultimate friend. There are unlimited resources out there with tons of info!! I would suggest getting a few sets of dumbbells at different weights to start. A set of 5lb, 10lb, and 15lb would be good to start. You can get them at stores like…
  • If you want to 'tone up' you need to focus on resistance/weight training. Running will help you lose a little weight but your body shape and butt/things will remain the same shape. I'd focus on things like squats, walking lunges with dumbbells, planks, glute bridges, etc.
  • I'm in the same boat. 5'2" started at 154, currently at 148. Not much but it's a start. My short term goal is to hit 130. Long term goal is 109. Thanks Steff274, good to know others in the same category have made their goals!!