Congrats hon!!! Awesome job and size 4!!!!! Ehhhh That's great
I'd like to know myself how the effects are after getting off the med
Be patient and stick with it Good things take time Rome was not built in a day Babies take 9 months
Wow!!! You look awesome Great job Thanks for updating pic
I did see the doc She told me stick in there take some painkillers and I'm glad I did! It has passed.
Try enema Colace or dolculax
Today starting 1.2 I really feel I am not as hungry and can eat less it's been habit to eat more than necessary but I'm listening closely to my body especially because I feel i need to pick up on any side effects immediately None thus far I notice slight discomfort in my back and my scale is messing with me so I am going…
Awesome! Side note I saw continue as prescribed and a week goes by fast then up ur dose
Agreed, I was wondering too about vitamin depletion. I look forward to forgetting food it took up so much of my time and thoughts I can barely stand to be in the kitchen day 1 & water fills me up awesome!!!
Well day 1 went well noticed nothing different I wonder though what about interaction with other medications like birth control hormones or blood pressure medicines or pain medication occasionally or should i up my vitamins since eating is no longer a top priority I suppose with everyone's appetite disappearing?
Yikes!!! I start today
Wow it's so awesome seeing the results I start tomorrow Yikes I'm a nervous wreck I will start with some meditation first thing then do my first shot in the am
I'm gonna give this a try I'm desperate-tomorrow am start Fingers crossed I just want to feel healthy again