carinox25 Member


  • I am leaving for vacation next week. My strategy is research. I found several restaurants I want to eat at and looked at the menus they have posted online. I have written down what I will eat at each restaurant. I also located the closest grocery store to my hotel so I can stock up on fruit. So when I want to snack I will…
  • I just had a very in depth conversation with my doctor about everything you have mentioned a couple of weeks ago. She recommended several things. -The first thing she suggested is that I start taking a probiotic called VSL#3. It is very strong and she claims it will restore bacteria balance in the gut. -The second thing…
  • Ram is mutton. Mutton should come up when you search.
    in Wild game Comment by carinox25 June 2016
  • I have severe Rheumatoid Disease and Fibro. I started working out (slowly) in January. To get myself to workout, I try to keep in mind that long-run I will feel better. To get through the workout itself, I count. I know it sounds silly, but if I can focus on counting backwards from 1,000 (or some other number game) instead…
  • I just made a list of 10 things that I intend to reward myself with as I start over. These are specific to me and my interests, but I thought it might help you. My reward list: 1. A new book 2. Massage 3. Art Supplies 4. New computer game 5. New album from iTunes 6. Workout clothes 7. Workout gear (new yoga mat, socks,…
  • Thanks for the responses. Found some great videos on youtube! I am not a fan of swimming, but I think I am going to give it a shot as well.
  • Its almost summer, and some really great fruits are coming in season. I love cutting up fruit and putting in a big bowl to bring to work (I work 12-16 hour shifts). It usually fills me up and keeps me away from the vending machines. Also, since I cut it up and measure it the night before I know exactly how many calories…
  • Well, I am a bit younger than you at 26 but I also suffer from RA. I am starting over as well. I have had success in the past using MFP (lost 15 pounds), but hit a wall last month when I had a bad flare. I am learning to take it one day at a time, and not to go completely overboard because I am having a bad pain day. Good…