sophomorelove Member


  • Update: I took a figure skating class this past semester, which required learning a new jump and a new spin, and preparing a program. For me it was just waltz and 2-foot spin, but I feel great to have accomplished something :) I am in desperate need of better skates if I want to keep learning new things, but I'm in a deep…
  • I'm going to be in my senior year at the U and one of the things I'm really looking forward is to ice skating 4 times a week. I'm excited to show the coach that my summer has not been wasted. I am a lot more comfortable with many basic elements from last semester, and I can't wait to be pushed to learning new ones.
  • I was finally fairly comfortable with left two-foot-turns, which used to cause paralyzing fear. Because of that I was able to work on mohawks on that side, too. Yay! I also made a little progress on the inside edge spread eagle. I have been stretching almost daily for the past few weeks to open my hips, and it must've…
  • I'm in the same boat. I easily lose weight over the summer (when I just have my job and family duties), but it all comes back during the school year. For me the critical factor is the lack of sleep. When you are awake for 19-20 hours every day (add the weekly all-nighters, a kid, and my job), it's hard to sustain on only…
  • Plan to be active on weekends (hiking, biking, swimming, cleaning, visiting friends, etc) or just sleep and nap (you can't eat while unconscious). Sometimes I like to devote the whole afternoon to cooking something more complex. With that comes the morning of browsing the food sites and a shopping trip.
  • Last night was nice. My 3 year old won the limbo contest (well, she's short) and I dedicated most of the 90 minutes to swizzles, slaloms, and power pulls. My legs and feet were on fire, and I really worked up a sweat. I'm a little disappointed in myself because I didn't fall down even once, so I probably could have tried…
  • I knit instead of snacking out of boredom. It's a bother to put down the needles for a bite :)
  • Oh, so sorry to hear that! I had that in the second half of my pregnancy, and it was exacerbated by the weight gain. To help relieve the pain I took warm baths and also massaged the painful area around the tailbone (by hands or by laying on your back, lifting your legs up and rolling it out clockwise and CCW). Yoga (with a…
  • Omelet with frozen veggies, onion, and curry.
  • I really haven't thought about it, probably because I don't have confidence I can do it. If money was not an issue, I'd go to Hawaii or Greece and spend two weeks on a beach wearing tiny dresses and bikinis. It would be amazing not to be ashamed of my body and not tense up every time someone is taking a picture of me.
  • Housework should not be assumed a woman's responsibility by default, especially if both partners have jobs. I am sorry to hear you're dealing with this, but the fact is, he just doesn't get it, and there's not much you can do to change it. The only thing that opened my husband's eyes was when he had to stay home with our…
  • I feel like I'm stalling in my progress. I realize that as an adult learner I have limitations, but I feel like I'm regressing in my skating. I am painstakingly slow (have no speed whatsoever), my body flails all over the place, and I still am horrified making left 2-foot turns, let alone left Mohawks and 3-turns. I feel…
  • Looks like I'm the only one posting updates here :) I think I finally am getting the hang of the left two foot turns away from the barrier, so the Mohawks in that uncomfortable for me direction should also be close. I also tried turning on one foot and (although I fell quite a few times) I got a few of them as well. I also…
  • Name: Nadia Age: 31 Height: 5' 3.5" Start Weight (June1): 173 Goal Weight (July 1): 168 Weigh-ins: June1: 173 June 8: 174 June 15: 172 June 22: June 29: Weight -/+ this week: -.5 Weight -/+ this month: -1 Successes/struggles this week: I was sick for two weeks straight, first strep, then sinus infection, then bronchitis,…
  • I'm short with short limbs and long torso. My arms are so short I can't do certain yoga poses (confirmed by my instructor). When I was a teenager I used to fantasize about extending my arms and legs via some torturous pulling device, because that would make me proportional. Now I am way past that and all for embracing…
  • Great job! Maybe you could find an activity that you enjoy so it feels like less of a workout. For me it's yoga and figure skating. Since I really want to be able to do awesome moves, I am motivated to sneak in exercise any chance I get. I know that I am limited to certain inversions and jumps simply because of my weight…
  • Sorry for the autocorrect in my previous post. I didn't mean to misspel biellmann. Anyways, yesterday I made it to the rink, trying to work on my "bad" side and edges. I fell on my butt during backward crossovers and my wrist is not happy, but im proud to have been brave
  • Uninhibited hockey kids, especially when they throw stuff (pucks, gloves, etc) on ice when it's already crowded
  • A little off topic, but I did the bellman hold off the ice today, so at least I know I'm capable of it. I can't wait to start actively working on it!
  • Hi Jennifer, I'm 31, and I have a 3 year old. I've had food intake control issues for as long as I remember. Be honest with yourself, experiment, and find foods that keep you happy but allow you to stay within your allowance, and you;ll do just find. I have made quite a few discoveries when I started tracking.
  • I want to be able to do yoga inversions and figure skating jumps. 50 extra pounds are not helpful :) Also, I would love for clothes shopping to be fun again. I want to select an outfit based on whether I love it, not whether it is the most successful in hiding my body and camouflaging fat rolls.
  • Thanks, everyone. I was bracing myself in anticipation of "get over it" comments, but instead I found I was not alone in this. I can totally relate to all the messages here. Comfort eating is my thing.
  • Name: Nadia Age: 31 Height: 5' 3.5" Start Weight (June1): 173 Goal Weight (July1): 165 Weigh-ins (week of...): June1: 173 June 8: June 15: June 22: June 29: Weight -/+ this week: N/A Weight -/+ this month: N/A Successes/struggles this week: I did these challenges last summer, and it was a great accountability tool for me.…
  • Mine is to lose weight and get in a better shape for my senior year at the U. I will need the confidence applying for jobs. Also I will be taking a figure skating class, and the last thing I need when learning the moves is the belly and thighs getting in the way. I get to perform a program at the end and I want to pick a…
  • I can only afford/make it to the rink once a week during the summer, but if I had a chance, I'd go every day. Since, there's no coach, the plan is to work on my edges and turns (2-foot, mohawk) on my untalented side. Off the ice, I am stretching like mad (for spirals, shoot the duck, and the spread eagle) and jogging when…
  • Now that my kid is old enough (3), we ice skate together in the winter, and in the summer she rides a bike and I run along.
  • Hi, my name is Nadia. I skated recreationally (meaning, simply forward) as a kid, but this year I took an actual ice skating class at my University and have been practicing 3-6 times a week, learning the basics (I am now working on mohawks and backward crossovers). I am loving it and will continue with the classes in the…
  • I just had my first run since winter yesterday. 500 m and I'm out of breath, but I am going to stick with it through the summer and do a 5K. We can do it!
  • I'm also a casual rider (read, incapable of going fast due to weak legs and numbing fear of speed), but I enjoy it a lot :) I got 3 bikes stolen in the past 2 years, so I won't be getting another one until we move to a safer neighborhood. I'd love to go for a ride next summer, though. Maybe use one of those Nice Ride bikes?