I am at a streak of 121 days, when I look myself back it's just been 3 months straight but the changes in my body are amazing. Thanks to MFP :)
Do you like spicy food?
Sure, I have lost 14.7 kg so far in 3 months and i am at my healthy bmi weight but still need to lose more to get to the middle of healthy bmi :) I can support people who are looking to lose. Feel free to add me and message me. Thank you.
@MeanderingMammal can you please elaborate on what other reasons?
Thank you very much. I got my answers in theory from your explanation and after reading that article. It remains to see if I will achieve what I want overtime.
I started pre-logging my food because it helps me plan the food i need/want to eat and don't binge around unnecessarily. I do pre-logging randomly so I am following this post from people who do it regularly.
Exactly! I am worried that long term might turn excess protein to fat so if someone went through my situation at what point should I start eating a little less protein. My body fat percentage seems to be 22-25%. I am think to increase carbs and lower protein intake once I am around 19% body fat that might be achieved if I…
Thanks guys. I don't understand why protein is too high because it is better to eat more protein than fat and carbs while losing weight. It helps or no? I am getting good results with that proportion but wanted to double check with experts if it is ok to continue.
30, single, racer? Lol
Thank you all, I've added you :)
Yes, There is no visible problem :)
Yes :)
Sorry I am taken :)
To see the match? Yes :D
No because I am shorter :) @mrsmartinez99
Bro date?
Go to settings and turn off email notifications :)
Yes :)
Why not ? I like vintage.
Fragile :) So I would definitely.
I can beat @vasairiah by charming her ;)
I think easily :P
I don't know anyone yet.
Nice moustache :)
Punky :D