Cardio and/or strength

I want to run every day to burn calories but I am worried that if I run also on the days that I do my strength training then it's gonna affect both in a negative way like slow down my progress?

What's the fact behind burning calories and building muscle? Can I do it on the same day or doing it alternate days is much better?


  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    edited February 2015
    This is discussed greatly on these forums of losing fat and building muscle. So I would recommend you doing a little research for further understanding. But in a nutshell, if you are trying to lose weight and you are cutting calories by diet and exercise (running for your example) for a goal of losing weight, then the only time you will appreciably build muscle is if you fit the criteria laid out by what Lyle McDonald discuss in this link
    That being said, outside of those circumstances, you still maintain what you have or minimize loss by lifting to stimulate muscle (also assuming adequate protein intake). You can technically do both at the same time, but to a MUCH SLOWER extent by recomping (again, something discussed many times in these forums, so do your research). The more optimal approach, for quicker results, is to do cut and bulk cycles opposed to recomping, but that is a personal choice.

    Yes you can do both on the same day. If doing at the same workout period, do lifting first, then run. If you run in the morning and lift in the evening, then just take into account your body's ability to recover to be able to lift (which I see as more important in the grand scheme of overall weight loss and health)...but that's me and you might be different in that you might love to run, and in that context, that's what keeps "YOU" healthy and active.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I wouldn't over think it just yet. Just go work out
  • swapyuk
    swapyuk Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you very much. I got my answers in theory from your explanation and after reading that article. It remains to see if I will achieve what I want overtime.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    fwiw I wouldn't really recommend running every day, largely for other reasons.
  • swapyuk
    swapyuk Posts: 57 Member
    @MeanderingMammal‌ can you please elaborate on what other reasons?
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Injury risk and overtraining, though on reflection it does depend what distances you do each session.