I'm always looking for more friends on here...can never have too much support. :)
I did my first Tabata Strength workout and oh boy are my arms and shoulders about worthless right now. Definitely a great workout.
I'm beginning week 3. This is the farthest I've me made it through the program before! My max out times are improving and it's such a motivation to feel the difference now from Day 1. I'm excited to do Tabata Strength tomorrow since I've never done it before!
Anyone can add me as well. Always looking for more friends.
Anyone is more than welcome to add me. Can never have enough motivation and support on here.
I haven't done the pulse yet. I was going to last weekend, but decided on the extra rest day instead. This weekend is my weekend to work so I will start doing pulse next weekend.
Today was definitely not an enjoyable workout. I did Sweat Intervals today and wanted to quit 10 minutes in. I pushed through though and finished but it wasn't pretty. For those of you doing this program as well, keep up the work and push through!!
Friday Night Fight is a least favorite of them all but feel most accomplished after finishing it. I just finished 1st day of 2nd week Tabata Power. I'm on a roll and loving it!!
I'm needing to lose around 15 lb by October so I can fit in my wedding dress. Any friend requests or motivation will be happily accepted! :)
I'm always wanting more friends on here. Anyone can feel more than welcome to add me.
That seemed to be my problem midway through the week was my calves were so sore and tired. I started week 2 yesterday and felt I was able to put forth more effort than last week.
I finished week 1 yesterday and am probably going to do the pulse workout today and possibly the ab attack since I didn't do the ab one throughout the week. I'm gonna weigh and measure tomorrow. Wish me luck haha!
Finished day 4 of week 1. 1 more day to go this week!
Anyone can feel free to add me. I could definitely use as many friends as I can get!
I did half of it a few years ago. I like the Max 30 better because it's a bit shorter workout, so I can more easily convince myself to do it after working a 13+ hour shift.
I'm getting married in October and at this point I can't quite fit in my wedding dress. Definitely needing to get my butt in gear to lose about 15 lbs or more by then.
I've gotten out and walked a lot more since downloading the app. It's a shame it's been so ridiculously hot where I live...makes it hard to go out. I haven't received any 10k eggs, only the 2k and 5k eggs so far.
Kansas City area here! Anyone feel free to add me. No such thing as too many friends for motivation.
Anyone can feel free to add me. I need to lose at least 15 lbs by October. I have a wedding dress to fit into, and at this time it doesn't fit.
Kansas City, MO area
Lawrence, KS
Getting back to the fitness grind. I've been super lazy lately...well it's more a combination of lack of motivation and being exhausted after work. I'm finally cutting back a shift a week at work; now to keep up the motivation. Got in a short run and some weight lifting...Hopefully I'm not too tired tomorrow after work to…
Hi everyone! I'd love to have some LGBT members on my friends list! Add me. :)
I'm definitely in need of a little extra push in the form of motivation and accountability. I have a wedding dress to fit into in 6 months and the rate I'm going that's not gonna happen.
Did week 4 day 1 today, and, although it was hard, it was not bad. I felt like walking partway through the 2nd 3 minute run, but pushed back the mental block and kept running. Looking forward to the next day of running. Hopefully it will be a bit easier than today.
I've had a rough week the last week or so in terms of running...meaning I've not really ran much at all. I finished week 3 and then worked more than I usually do, so I didn't have much energy to run. On top of all that, it snowed so I wasn't able to get out to run. I did week 3 day 3 a second time earlier this week and am…
Completed W3D3 this afternoon. It was a good run, but the last 3 minute jog was a bit tough because the wind was blowing so much it made it a bit difficult to breathe well. I'm excited for Week 4, but also slightly intimidated. I like the longer runs rather than the short start/stop runs. This is about the time that I…
Good luck with starting the program. Just take your time and go at a pace that is more or less comfortable so that you can complete each day. If you need to take it slow, take it slow, but don't give up!!!