StarvingAuthor Member


  • I just do sit-ups and my stomach is my best area muscle wise but I’ve been doing them for years. Idk my bf%, but my gym buddies guess it’s really low. I am 5’4, 118ish lbs.
  • Rice Beans Homemade Cookies Mc. Donalds Taco Bell Switch lives with me for a few days I got you. ;)
  • Just to add to Ann, I am 5'4. Awhile ago, I was 112lbs, doing a very light exercise program of squats, planks, situps; probably a 30 minute routine all in all, eating ~1400 calories or so a day. I went through a move that was relatively strenuous, but not KILLER. I didn't have the ability to track my calories during this,…
  • This is a likely substitute, especially because she can't eat eggs. So, to make up for the egg protein: 1 cup low fat 1% cottage cheese - 160 calories (28g protein) 1 medium peach (that is sliced into the cottage cheese and sprinkled with cinnamon to be delicious) - 60 calories 220 calories, 28g protein - better than the…
  • ...ugh. Okay, here is my attempt, tailored for your (ew) black coffee and 1g protein. :P I'm going to say you're aiming for 120lbs? IDK your height/weight; I assume a bit shorter than myself. Breakfast Black Gross Coffee - 0 3 scrambled eggs - 210 (18g protein) 1 oz mozzarella cheese - 80 (8g protein) (290 calories, 26g…
  • Food choices can always be made where you can cut something out for wine. However, you have to weigh if you are going to be nutritionally satisfied enough with the cut to make the wine worth it. Depending on the variety, wine is apparently 110-330 calories, so let's go with 220 just to keep it in the middle. Breakfast…
  • Failing to see how I did anything of the sort. I was suggesting that we're all equally hungry. The "jerks!" comment was, IMO, blatant jest. However, I'm going to go triumph around that in this coming hurricane I only need to stockpile 600 cans of soup as opposed to my tall neighbor's 800. :-)
  • Oh, there is another thought to stoke the flames (lol with actual numbers this time): I have a BMI of 20.3 - 5'4, 118lb, female, 25 If I do moderate exercise (3-5x/week) I will have a TDEE of 1,961 calories to maintain. If I am sedentary, I will have a TDEE of 1,518 calories to maintain. Another woman has a BMI of 20.4 (I…
  • Thanks for the replies! North, as long as the exercise doesn't involve quick movements (jumping jacks, for example) I'm fine. I could do a two hour hike and as long as we aren't running I'd be fine. Jemhh, that is what I was hoping! Would you happen to have any programs you would recommend to build up a poor cardio base…
  • Wow, that is interesting. I do appear to gain muscle very quickly, is there science behind this? (I'm short.) Also as far as my original post, I was basically just trying to propose the idea that short people who typically get TDEEs lower than tall people (or at least I thought, before someone posted otherwise) are not…
  • I went from 160 to 115ish. My belly button frowned even at my lowest (104). A lot of exercise fixed it. (I never had a kid but I did have a belly ring reject out which caused mine + being overweight). I do not have much skin when pinching my stomach, my BF% is really low (exercise + diet). Hope this helps! Edit: Btw, I…
  • Hmm, interesting. So it isn't actually short people who have it hard, its all equal as I assumed in my OP. At least I know I am justified in cringing at posts looking only for short women. :D
  • OK, for everyone listing their TDEE/BMR, cool, just replace the 2000+ with your number and assume that shorter people of equal activity levels are much less. :-) The question still stands, and is interesting!
  • No, for me that is like reminding someone I'm alive. In social situations I typically do not eat, or will order something very light (salad w/ dressing on the side so I can at least eye ball it, diet soda, fruit, fish, etc.) In fast-food social situations I go for whatever says chicken and then look it up later with a…
  • It makes me look puffy. I don't mind the scale so much, but I look like a balloon. :P I am usually very flat-stomached and now I'm more half-moon stomached! That day is 1440 calories to be precise. I sincerely appreciate each and every post here. Thank you so much! As an update, I was 120 - yesterday I had 1400 calories…
  • I am pretty bad with protein; I am at 17g today so far (180g carbs). I basically do CICO, but I am in love with carbs (filling + energy, for me - protein leaves me wanting more and more). Day for day, I think this guy averaged less protein than me (could be wrong):…
  • 5'3, 117lbs, goal 112lb, twenties! Add me :-)
  • I was thinking about this and I started wondering...when you exercise you are burning more calories than your body's fault, right? Well, I assume that the word burn is used because heat is involved. If you are sweating, aren't you burning more calories than someone who isn't? Could it be possible that your friend isn't…
  • Do you have any flexibility and strength? I don't know if it'll be too much for you, but I loved P90X (classic) Yoga X. It's 90 minutes or so, but a fair amount of that is just stretching. It is completely wonderful and I always found it to be extremely therapeutic for the mind. I grew to hate the amount of time it took,…
  • Oh, damn! That is awesome to know, thank you!!!! I envy your friend, though. :P
  • Total consumption - I don't have a heart rate monitor so I'm not sure how many calories I burn while active. I don't sweat a ton (except for when dancing) so I usually just assume I'm not burning many calories. Is this wrong? D: I'd love to eat more! lol Awhile back, maybe a year or so, I was exercising daily and eating…
  • Oatmeal with honey and cinnamon If you're looking for low cal, oatmeal with splenda and cinnamon WARNING: THIS IS HIGHLY ADDICTIVE :lol:
  • I've been exercising for quite some time (six+ months?) with a few dry spells (few day breaks here and there). I just started this new routine about a week ago (MUCH harder than my previous one which was a combo of P90X and lifting exercises recommended online). I try to exercise 6 times a week but at least 3 (day 1 -…
  • Awesome, thanks! Will the water weight my muscles are retaining go away, or is this going to be a continuous thing as I put on more and more muscle? Should I cut sodium to try to limit the bloat? I look all puffy haha. Thanks again!