The hardest door is your front door. i find dressing in gym clothes way before i hit the gym helps me get out of the house, then once im in my car, there's no stopping me.
I also go what Jgnatca said and pair my carbs with some form of protein. also, it would help to love eggs, the macro profile is like 6g protein and 5g fat per egg, really good.
Organic is good for very specific items but overall, not worth the extra money. I find label reading to be more imporant. Like making sure peanut butter has no hydrogenated oil in it
I was never able to even as a child. When i started doing stiff-leg deadlifts, i gained some flexibility in my hamstrings. Still not able to but i can reach a bit further.
not going to lie, for others.
I train at a powerlifting gym so yes, very motivating and everyone encourages another
grass fed butter. why didn't i think of that?
i dont log exercise due to the inconsistent nature of it.
I would return the favor and squat in the curl rack
^this. and negatives are usually used to cover weak points, sticking points, or as an accessory which would be used once you've become more experienced.
funny you say this. i just started a new strength routine last week. i was sore from squatting on tuesday, friday rolls around and its time fore deadlifts and im still very sore. my coach said "lighten the weight and focus on the movement to get the blood flowing, the worst thing you can do for soreness is nothing." and he…
i like when you said " It may be 80% diet, and 20% exercise, but it’s 100% mental." that's exactly right my friend.
if you are a true beginner, just adding more weight (2 to 5lbs) to the bar each week for each exercise will be enough to see progress. i did starting strength 3x5 when i first started out, but it's squatting 3 times a week so i dont care for it too much for beginners. i would recommend you find something that appeals to…
lifting weights will not only help you lose weight, but it will help you keep the weight off.
What about a heat blanket? Wrap it around your leg to keep the muscle loose?
i think that spandex is the new way for some people to "show off" at the gym(like saying look how fit i am). but in the end it shouldnt matter. i was sarcastic in my previous post no hard feelings!
They only started popping up alot recently. I blame under armor for starting the trend years ago.
Anything in a tortilla or a wrap usually packs alot of cals. Try getting a meat(chicken, pork, steak) on a bed of rice. See what soups they have.
I dont log any exercise. It just seems easier to just log your diet and not worry about calories burned. Sometimes you can mis-judge it if not careful.
I find it offensive because these glorified yoga pants are trendy. Stop being a damn conformist. Whatever happened to short shorts being the proper gym attire(not those doofy basketball shorts)
Chalk is not messy unless you clap your hands while running around the gym. Learn how to mixed grip is my best advice. Bicep tearing is not an issue if your form is good
i'll add you
nothing. just eat smaller portions since steak for example can be up to 900cals for like a 14oz
if you want to go for the 6 pack, then go ahead and cut first then SLOWLY bulk. it might be easier to build the muscle at higher BF% but i recommend doing what with your happy with. if a six pack all year round will make you happy then do that first.
i just used one for the first time today and yes, it works very nicely. you feel your whole core contract as you roll down to stabilize yourself
Same here, My app is acting weird, add me instead
it's not the best, but its not terrible either. just watch out for the sodium if you plan on eating them often
sure. find out how many calories a day you need to eat to maintain your current weight, then set your daily calorie goal below maintenance. so if you eat 2000 calories a day at your current weight, eat 1600-1800 calories a day, everyday. use these to calculate:…
i was the same for a few years. ate what i wanted and just worked out hard. had that "puffy" look with no definition. now that im dieting down the results seem even faster.