msjloraine Member


  • Heather, pleased to meet you. I adore London and really all of the UK. <3
  • Hi, everyone. I'd like to join your group for some motivational support. I'm losing my lifelong battle with weight. I've never weighed more. Lupus and Fibromyalgia have made it extremely difficult to consistently exercise. Menopause is my enemy, along with all of the medication I must take. So, needless to say, I need some…
  • @SashaMaja My fatigue levels fluctuate depending upon lots of factors - diet, weather, name it. I know our bodies are so sensitive. I really try to have positive thoughts as well. As far as the exercise, I have found that regularly walking or exercising at a level my body can recover from makes a good deal of…
  • I can friend both of you if you like, but so far I am not succeeding in losing, just logging and exercising regularly. I'm trying to get my eating pattern on track, so if you want in on my mission, I'd be happy to add you. If not, no need to say anything - no pressure or offense will be taken I promise. :)
  • Thanks for the welcome. I hope so, too. My hips are approaching record proportions. LOL
  • Thanks @Sivangj‌ ! I have been wondering what a safe increase will be. Last thing I want is a flare to set me back. I will increase it more slowly. I am still at 3500 per day. April 1st I will move to 4k. I think I might add a little swim exercises since they aren't as weight bearing. I have to do something to get my…
  • Update. I've had my fitbit for about 2 months now. Seeing the trending has helped me clearly identify when I've over done it. I have set my activity steps goal to 3000, as it seems I can meet this goal without extreme consequences the following day. I am going to move it up to 3500 this week. My plan is to increase 500…