Seems legit. Where do I send?
Do you know how many Indian food jokes I know? Naan
Lily Collins
Maybe twice a year when the urge strikes me. I hate when girls walk around with chipped polish. Huge pet peeve, so if I do paint them it is on for about two days. Hardly seems worth it.
I don't have favorites. I love to read anything fiction. Suspense, romance, paranormal, etc. I read it all. I download the free books off iBooks and read a book a week practically. I can't afford to buy books at that rate.
I'd be miffed, but I probably would have just cleaned it well...wearing gloves up to my elbows with bleach...and continued to use it. I keep my personal cup at my desk for that reason.
enjoys the feel of polyester on her skin
Lives next door to junelove89
Has a strong opinion about his cow bell
Love her eyes!
Needs less cow bell.
cutting: putting
Night manager of a crappy restaurant in a seedy part of town. My cook went through crack withdrawals on my cook's line. I had dishwashers stealing food and selling drugs out of the employee bathroom.
Case: Beer
Stuck with sports. I got out of competitive playing in my early 30's. I should have stuck it out or picked up a different hobby. I miss the activity and the social aspect.
These nuts really do stink In this jock strap made of pink Athlete supporter
Your political opinion, religious opinion, thoughts on gun control, opinion about the purple Teletubby are unnecessary to be posted daily on social media. We get it. We don't need to read it daily. Also, I don't care what you cooked for dinner or what your latest Pinterest project is.
liquor store
Red is not my color.