missippibelle Member


  • I agree. I really believe if nutrition was taught the right way and massage and physical therapy were the norm many people could avoid medications. Medicine can be life saving and is absolutely necessary for some people, but our medical community has lost sight of treating the person as a whole. Don’t even get me started…
  • I am a Pharmacist and just like doctors there are a lot out there who don’t understand LCHF and how important it can be for a diabetic. The old ways are still being taught to health professionals. It’s sad really. I should become a certified diabetic pharmacist... hmmmm. Wish I could find a great doctor to work for!
  • I agree with the crock pot and instant pot idea. Much cheaper than an oven and I use both all the time!
  • My 16 year old baby - ugh - pic attach fail!
  • At Thanksgiving, I made mini cheese cakes in a muffin tin and they were great. My recipe called for a crust with almond flour and butter. I added some chopped pecans to make it crispier and I really liked it. I also made a dairy free version at Christmas for my mom. I used Tofutti cream cheese and coconut oil instead of…
  • @retirehappy Thanks for the encouragement. I think my problem is mindless eating and overeating nuts. I am hoping tracking that will make me more mindful of when I am hungry or bored/eating for fun. I am also going to try and eliminate or cut back on dairy for a few weeks and see what that does.
  • How are you doing today?? Just checking on you.
  • That is me right now. I don't cheat at all, but I am still eating too much on plan food to lose. I am challenging myself to track every day until Memorial Day.
  • So sorry for you.
  • Amen! That stuff is amazing. Tastes like I make at home. I love the jalapeño kind!
  • I am so sorry for your loss. I would be a basket case too. I agree with being gentle with yourself. I also understand you don't want to let yourself get out of control. That is so hard sometimes when you are suffering such loss. When I went through a divorce 10 years ago, exercise and diet goals became something positive…
  • OMG, me too. It's a struggle.
  • This is a subtle difference, but it has only been a few weeks and the spots on the right are lighter and fewer than the left and the wrinkles are not as deep to me. It's enough to keep me using it and I'm gonna put it more places!
  • The rosehip seed oil doesn't smell like roses at all. It is a little earthy smelling, but not floral at all. It is the oil from the seeds, so no flower smell. I also have been using rose water as a toner, and that has a very rosy scent. I really have enjoyed using both of them. I have only been using the rosehip seed oil…
  • I just bought rosehip seed oil for my face and neck. I like is so far but I've only been using it a few weeks. It is supposed to have natural vit C and rentinoid properties. We shall see!
  • I have been bringing dishes that are keto friendly, but not obviously so. That way, no one questions me. A big yummy salad with full fat dressing, and maybe a SF cheesecake (shhh, don't tell em its SF and they won't even know!) and you have something safe to eat. It is hard when family is involved, especially when food is…
  • Thanks friend! Going today with my hubby to our camp in the woods so he can go turkey hunting. May have to put in a little target practice :wink:
  • Visualizing my losses always helped me. 5 pounds is 20 sticks of butter...that is a lot! Congrats!
  • So you mean we can have symptoms of a disease and ACTUALLY have something wrong with us without blood tests to back up our symptoms?? WOW. Wish someone would tell my rheumatologist.. can I borrow you RPG?
  • The first thing I thought of was ocular migraines as well. With an ocular migraine you get the aura that precedes a migraine without the headache. I get migraines with and without an aura, and what you described sounds so much like it.
  • @baconslave I hope you can find relief. I know how frustrating it is to want to work out and your body won't let you. The Erythromelalgia is like the warming phase of Raynaud's you described, only I get it all by itself mostly. Sometimes a have it from a Raynaud's attack when I get in the shower, but mostly from heat,…
  • It just goes to show just how effective some supplements can be! I got lax about a few of mine and I could tell a huge difference.
  • And it could be dropping the 5-htp had an effect. SSRI's increase serotonin availability and are commonly used for neuropathic type pain and also fibromyalgia and all sorts of chronic pain. Usually when you stop taking a med like that it is recommended you wean off slowly to prevent rebound pain, depression, etc...rebound…
  • That is soooo awesome!! My aunt had traditional gastric bypass and lost over 100 pounds years ago. She has still struggled with the last 25, but has never regretted the surgery. However, she does have issues with absorption of nutrients and has to carefully monitor them. She has had to get IV iron several times. She has…
  • Raynaud's is no joke for sure. Sorry you have to deal with it. For me, it is the lesser of the two evils, but still frustrating. I am the same way, NO abnormal blood levels so, YOU ARE NORMAL..ha! Ask my feet if they are normal. I had severe endometriosis before my hysterectomy at 34, so know I had estrogen dominance at…
  • 5-htp because was interfering with sleep. Your symptoms do share some similarities to mine, especially the part about pressure. I have a lot of problems finding shoes these days because pressure is a trigger for sure. Your symptoms also sound like a mixture of lupus/fibromyalgia. A doctor named Jay Cohen, MD had EM and did…
  • I always grew out then up as a kid. I agree with the "grow into her weight advice" may be a gentle way to get her started and stressing healthy food choices and making those choices available, easy and fun for her to choose. I also agree with finding an activity or two that she loves, maybe even one you could all do…
  • Do you have any color changes with the weird feelings and discomfort? What kind of pain, buring, cold burn, shocking pains? The diagnosis I have finally been given is primary erythromelalgia, aka "man on fire". It can be secondary to may auto immune condtions, but so far, I have no known cause. I also have Raynaud's as…