

  • Did you post your new weight in the My Home > check-in?
  • I have a hard time controlling myself after eating something sweet. One day each week, normally Saturday, I eat whatever I want but lately fruit is my craving for Saturday's.
  • I can't get in front of my crew and tell them they need to be on shape when I am obviously overweight myself. Another thing Thursday hit me was when I went to see the doctor and the slip that was given to me said obese. I knew I ed getting bigger but that put a more realistic word to how I have let myself go. A week later…
  • Great job losing 30 pounds. I am using the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet to reach my goal of less that 220. I am tracking myself with a speedsheet I made in excel and so far have dropped more than the 2 pounds a week that I set as my goal. I think it is due to the diet and complete lack of carbs (other than vegetables) that the…
  • I started my weight loss journey this year at 285 lbs. 1 Month later I am at 271 lbs and would like to continue my weight loose of 2 lbs a week. This month (feb) I plan to incorporate strength training to assist me in my weight loss goals.
  • Down 14 pounds this month. Today I had crap for breakfast and actually wish I had not eaten it. After the headaches in the first week went away I was feeling great. If the weather would cooperate and stop raining long enough for me to get a walk in I would be more happy. Looking forward to continuing this way of eating for…
  • My headaches are going away when I eat a good bit of fat. I still do not feel up to really working out though. I think that will change when mandatory PT starts back up on Thursday. I think its awesome so many people are doing Crossfit. I wish there was a Box around here.
    in Day 6 Comment by Slaphapy74 January 2015
  • Great job sticking to the plan. I have read that some people get the carb flu when they make a big change in their diet. I hope that is what is happening and you will feel better in a few days and for the rest of the year.
    in Day 4 Comment by Slaphapy74 January 2015
  • I have had a headache for the past 2 days as well. I am sure its from not eating sugar. Tonight my head is feeling better though. hopefully tomorrow it will be gone.
  • My favorite breakfast is a 3 egg and Spinach omelet. I use coconut oil to coat the frying pan. I am planning to make some cupcake omelets with spinach so I can take them to work with me so I don't have to eat in the morning when I'm not hungry before work.
    in Day 1 Comment by Slaphapy74 January 2015
  • Hello Everyone, My name is Jef and I'm in the US Navy Stationed in Naples, Italy. I have been on and off the paleo diets for a few years. I have limited support at home and I think that leads to my falling off the diet and going back to my old food fixes. I feel great when I'm eating clean paleo foods. Here in Italy I do…