af_wife2004 Member


  • I have anklyosing spondylitis (an autoimmune disorder) and have also noticed a huge difference.
  • I have ankloysing spondylitis (they thought I had Still's disease when the AS first hit). I use Whole30, Paleo, and AIP recipes. I find with a higher fat (think 50%), low carb, no added sugar, fresh food diet I feel a LOT better! I am in the processing to eliminating soda and sugars. I can't believe how much sugar in…
  • I'm getting ready to start the Whole30 plan at the end of the month to help w/my autoimmune issues and headaches. I'm going to be travelling a lot and don't want to set my self up for failure so I plan to incorporate some of the changes the next three weeks and then start full blown once we are home.
  • Have you had any blood work done lately to rule out anemia or vitamin deficiencies?
  • Plan for the popcorn and enjoy!
  • First question...are you pregnant? Are you eating a lot of carbs (rice, potatoes, cereal etc) or excessive sodium? Are you accurately weighing/measuring everything you eat or estimating? Are you eating back your workout calories? Are you taking your measurements along with your weight? The first is accurate tracking. If…
  • I'm at 45/30/25 (carbs, fat, protein) and use to help set my goals. MFP will calculate it for you, so I find that preplanning your meals in the morning or the day before helps. I plan the whole day and see where I'm short or over and adjust before I eat the food.
  • Why so low? I like to check my macros against this website It is almost identical to what my nutritionist recommended. I currently have my macros at 45% carbs/30% fat/25% protein and I'm consistently losing 1 lb per week. My next macro change will be 40% carbs/30% protein and I'll keep…
  • For the "default habit" like over- and binge-eating, have you considered looking into Overeaters Anonymous for a local support group? I also have autoimmune disorders and plantar fasciitis (PF) so I understand the pain of working out. From lack of physical activity, my major muscles because EXTREMELY week and the fatigue…
  • Perhaps look at this calculator to compare your current macros. I've found this one is close to what my nutritionist recommended. I've been losing a pound a week using the IIFYM recommendations. I rarely eat back my exercise calories (but I usually only burn about 200).
  • I like this calculator for figuring out my calories and macros It was online with the numbers my nutritionist recommended. Are you working out? I would recommend taking your measurements and having your body fat percentage done. You may not be losing weight on the scale; however, you…
  • I switched protein bars (Pure protein, Nature Valley protein, Quaker Protein) for candy bars and cereal.
  • Check out this FB page There are a lot of "SC Ladies" that talk about their workouts.
  • We mist them w/grapeseed oil, salt, and a little parmesan cheese at the end! I usually bake them hot and fast, but I read an article about lower and slower so may try that next time.
  • Are you finished losing weight? If not, I would probably wait until you are or within about 10 lbs of your goal. For me, my breasts are the first area to gain and the last to lose. In the mean time, invest in great bras even if you only buy three or four (because perhaps you band or cup size is changing) and rotate them.…
  • I had it off and on for several years. This last flare has been on-going for almost 9 months. I've seen PCM and podiatrist, done 3 months of physical therapy, worn night splint, used medication etc. It still isn't resolved but at least tolerable.
  • Check you calories against I've been really happy with the metrics from this calculator. You may want to research "bulking" and look at the IIFYM group.
  • That is a 1,000 calorie change. Are you sure 1,200 calories per day is where you should be? You may want to check MFP's recommendation against another site like if you haven't already.
  • You may want to double check your calories against MFP suggested 1240 cal per day for me and according to the nutritionist I see, my body requires over 1500 cal just to perform daily functions. I have AS and feel a lot better when I limit processed carbs. I rarely have any issue if I make…
  • I like pilates for overall workout. Do you have access to stairs or a treadmill at work where you could get in mini-workouts?
  • Losing weight=calorie deficit Toning=working out You can't spot reduce. (If we could, my thigh would look like Cindy Crawford's lol) Listen to your doctor on how long to wait if the C-section was recent and listen to your body. They used dissolvable staples in my C-section. They were supposed to dissolve in about a…
  • My first question is (and please don't be offended) are you down because you're frustrated with the process of losing weight and exercising or are you depressed? If you are down because you're frustrated, I would look into finding people from MFP in your local area, join a walking club or gym, if you're an emotional eater,…
  • I started at a 42DD and am now a 38F.
  • I'd put it towards a Bosu Ball. I love working out w/it!
  • I love fresh kimchee made with lettuce, broccoli, or English cucumbers. It brightens up what ever meat we grill.
  • Absolutely! New bras were my goal gift this weekend!
  • What type of arthritis go you have, Osteoarthritis? Are you sure that is the only thing going on w/your foot? Have you talked to a specialist to rule other things like Gout or turf-toe?
  • I have an autoimmune disorder, and I like using the IIFYM calculator It will help you set your caloric needs as well as percentage of macros (fat, carbs, and protein). You can alter you MFP plan manually. It took me a couple weeks to find the right balance.
  • Check with this calculator and confirm your calories and macros are set similar This calculator lined up almost identical to what the nutritionist set for me and MFP was under my calorie intake by almost 500 calories per day.
  • I use this to calculate my calories and macros My best friend uses it too (as do many of the people on the message boards). She about 5'1" and 100 lbs and her calories are set for 1400+ per day.