

  • Swimming forces you to engage your core muscles without being stressful on your ankles or back. I'd recommend planks, but I don't know what kind of weak ankles you're working with, so modify your planks to your knees until you can build up some ankle stability and then go to a full plank. Building your core muscles will…
  • Slipknot - Psychosocial or Static X - Dirthouse
  • In honor of this most awesome quote, I'm going to the gym tomorrow with upbeat 80s hair metal (which I like to call 80s stripper music) on my Zombies Run! playlist. Because I can. God, yes. It's one thing to go to the gym with your makeup still on because you left straight from work. It's another thing to walk in knowing…
  • Thank you. That's the greatest thing I've heard all day.
  • My husband can't always eat a larger portion of what I'm having because he has a hard time maintaining weight without a lot of protein and a healthy amount of carbs that I don't generally bother to make. We did sit down and go through my website for recipes today and then went shopping for those recipes. I also threw in a…
  • Obviously, you want to limit your calories if you're looking to lose weight. However, the real focus should be not just on carbohydrates, but on calorie density. A carbohydrate tends to be simple sugar for most people which is quickly digestible and converts to stored energy if you don't use it immediately. By contrast,…
  • Honestly, I'd see what you can do about possibly getting grocery delivery - some eggs, milk, bread, oatmeal... I don't ever recommend drive through food.
  • Based on the types of high intensity exercise you're doing, I don't think your caloric intake is high enough and your metabolism has probably slowed down to conserve what it can to keep you upright. Do a search for Basal Metabolic Rate and see if you can find a calculator to plug your daily activity into. It should be able…
  • It actually shortens your soleus and gastrocnemius muscle and contributes to a higher incidence of leg cramps. The shortness in your soleus could also cause more severe injury to your achilles tendon if you happen to step wrong in said heels. A low heel is good for posture, especially if you have low back problems, but in…
  • Yeah...*sigh* me too. OP, at this point, you are at a healthy weight for your height, but your body has probably also adapted too much to your current exercise routine. I recommend adding more weight based and resistance exercises to your routine (even if you are only able to do body weight based exercise). This will give…
  • But then how am I suppose to have any motivation to complete my shame spiral? ;)
  • A high water intake definitely helps to forgive a lot of food ills. Particularly after a binge.
  • I'm a 40D at the moment, but I've been a 36D when I was a really good girl. I second the chest exercises (particularly dumbbell flies) to keep the girls riding high. Just remember to do your corresponding ab exercises so you don't experience a lot of lower back pain.
  • I can honestly say that all my recipes are tried and tested, and approved by me! If you're interested, send me a message and I can link you to them on my website. (It was easier to import them into the recipe calculator if I hosted them first!)
  • I have one large cup (about 14 ounces) of coffee in the morning with about 2 ounces of coffeemate creamer, and no additional sugar. I'm sure there are better options, but sometimes starting the dieting day off on the right foot means having an old, comfortable friend. If that 2 ounces of flavored creamer is going to be a…
  • I'm 5'4" and 213. My starting goal is 150 pounds, but ultimately in the 130-135 range. I get a lot of great results when I'm consistently staying on top of my diet/exercise routine, but I inevitably sabotage those efforts by letting myself be interrupted by whatever pops up. I welcome anyone to friend me if you think we…
  • I got a great tip from one of the trainers at my gym during a nutrition seminar. He said that calorie counting is key for a weight loss program, but most people blow it because it's such a pain in the neck to keep track of every little thing. What he recommended is making one casserole and portioning every day, or eating…
  • Mine is open, though recently not low cal, and usually full of custom recipes (I cook everything from scratch). That said, if you ever want a recipe, send me a message!
  • I've been using a Fit for about 3 years now, and I recently (within the last 6 months, shortly after the Jawbone acquisition) upgrade to a FIT with bluetooth technology, so I'm probably not going to upgrade again until this thing dies. Some of the fitbit options look like they have some pretty awesome tech that would be…
  • Oh, god...I just shuddered and gagged a little. I guddered. I don't have a lot of food related mishaps since I can sort of look at a recipe and see where there's some skeezy science mixed with a lot of fairy dust and hope and then close the window like, "hehehehe...nope." THAT SAID... I tried to get creative with a turkey…
  • I went WAY over my calorie goal yesterday. By, like, double. Between a long day at my desk where takeout was the only food I was going to get all day, and the more or less mandatory work function with open bar last night (that bottle of wine screws me every single time, let me tell you), I wasn't really expecting miracles…
  • I think accountability is always a pretty big issue for me as well. I know what to do, and how to do it, and why, but actually doing it? There's always something more important, isn't there? I'm really working hard on changing that mindset and convincing myself that there is nothing more important than my health and well…
  • I'm in the 60-75 pound range myself, but I've got my groundwork pretty well laid out. It's just a matter of actually pulling the trigger, which is always my sticking point. Maybe we can motivate each other.
  • Oddly enough, this is very much in line with my own mantra: "If you find yourself off the beaten path and can't figure out where to go, or even why you're on this crazy trip, think back to where you started and why you left. The rest will fall into place, and you will find it in you to keep going." Count me as a supporter.…