Does walking in heels burn more calories?



  • jjasmelon
    jjasmelon Posts: 101
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    Perhaps but the idea is not to major in minors and just log it normally.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    edited January 2015
    Great question!

    Although I wouldn't log "high heels, 9 calories", my guess is that you do. Makes sense - they use different muscles in a way the muscles weren't really designed to work. Other muscles get used to keep balance. They hurt. Pain means something is wrong and there is work being done to fix it.

    When I complained to the podiatrist about my bunions from the years when I wore them, the podiatrist said, "You ladies do that to yourselves!" He said when he began his work, he tried to talk women out of them, but quit because it's fruitless. "My wife still wears them." His wife. The one woman in the world who loves and trusts him...doesn't listen.

    He's right. We do it to ourselves. Give those things up now or pay the price later. :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I have a feeling (untested) that MFP massively overstates the amount of calories we burn when walking. I find that unless I am regularly under my calorie goal for the day (including exercise calories) that I just don't lose weight.

    So basically my suggestion is to log your walking according to your speed but don't eat all of the walking calories.

    Idk, I logged and ate back every single walking calorie when I was losing weight, and I eat them back in maintenance as well. Always seemed pretty spot on to me.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Wouldn't burn enough more to even be worth mentioning. Don't worry about the little stuff like that, it's not even worth your thought
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Yes, but it is probably about the same as the difference between eating while standing and eating while sitting. Personally, I think you're better off not sweating the small stuff and look more at exercise.

    Ya? So you walk around in heels?
    I live in Texas. Of course I do.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Back in the day when I wore heels and was out and about my trainer at the time did suggest that I should keep a steady pace and walk around people - sort of like an obstacle course. I can say that it definitely tightened up my core. If it's something that you normally do, keep doing it but don't start doing it for fitness sake, high heels are not worth it in the long run.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    I suspect I burn more calories in flats/sneakers because I'm a faster walker in those. Especially when I get above 3". I'm also willing to move more in the afternoon vs. heels.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Yes, but it is probably about the same as the difference between eating while standing and eating while sitting. Personally, I think you're better off not sweating the small stuff and look more at exercise.

    Ya? So you walk around in heels?
    I live in Texas. Of course I do.
    So you're a 70s man in platform boots then? Such anachronistic style. ;)
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    It gives your calves a nice workout.
  • ellisboyd1
    ellisboyd1 Posts: 67 Member
    My wife believes so. Lucky me.
  • It gives your calves a nice workout.

    It actually shortens your soleus and gastrocnemius muscle and contributes to a higher incidence of leg cramps. The shortness in your soleus could also cause more severe injury to your achilles tendon if you happen to step wrong in said heels.

    A low heel is good for posture, especially if you have low back problems, but in terms of work out benefits, there are a lot of injury risks associated with them, and I do my best to avoid them, no matter how hot they make my butt look.

  • amandarawr06
    amandarawr06 Posts: 251 Member

    that beard! <3

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    No, but you look good doing it. ;-)
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member

  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member

    I'm mesmerized.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Walking shoes?

  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member

    ZOMG... Is that Romy & Michele? Nice!

  • Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Yes, but it is probably about the same as the difference between eating while standing and eating while sitting. Personally, I think you're better off not sweating the small stuff and look more at exercise.

    Ya? So you walk around in heels?
    I live in Texas. Of course I do.
    Bam! You win!