Family Meal Planning w/ a non-dieting family

Does anyone else find it hard to get traction with your calorie intake when you're on a completely different type of diet from the rest of your family? For my weight loss goals, I'm finding it easiest to keep myself on track if I make my breakfast foods on Sunday and prepare a week worth of fruits and veggie packs for lunches, in addition to having a rotating menu of lunch items. Most of my calories go into lunch, which is when I'm hungriest, and most likely to burn it off, and by dinner I have 400-600 calories to play with. My husband on the other hand, is a dinner man who needs lots of protein and calories to maintain weight and he's finding my evening food choices less than satisfying.

How do you keep yourself on track while trying to meet the needs of the rest of your household?


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Stick to your portions, and let them eat more? Hubby can add some bread and butter, larger piece of meat, sprinkle cheese on veggies, etc.
  • noubrewyatt
    noubrewyatt Posts: 5 Member
    I always eat the same thing I cook for my non dieting family. I may eat half the carbs, last night was sloppy joes, but I used my 45 calorie bread instead of a hamburger bun. I just try to eat as close to what they're eating as possible, but smarter choices. And if that's not possible I eat a smaller portion of whatever I cook and make myself a big salad to fill me up.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    We all eat the same, it's healthy nutritious food, there's no need for different meals.
  • My husband can't always eat a larger portion of what I'm having because he has a hard time maintaining weight without a lot of protein and a healthy amount of carbs that I don't generally bother to make.

    We did sit down and go through my website for recipes today and then went shopping for those recipes. I also threw in a couple crock pot dishes so that I can get to the gym and have dinner.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    I don't run a restaurant. If I am having chicken and salad for dinner, that is dinner. I will bake some potatoes for the family, and they can have bread as a side. No more casseroles, soups have no noodles, just meat and veggies. Sure, I made treats the other day, and did not have any.

    It is not hard. No one goes hungry here. And anyone who wants more food, can have PB&J sandwich or some cereal.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    We eat the same meals. My husband eats more of the carb-y side dish and I eat more of the protein. It's like Jack Sprat and his wife. Betwixt us both, we lick the platters clean.
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    I may have a harsh view on this, but he needs to understand why you're doing what you're doing and if he can't deal, tell him to cook for himself. I spent ages putting myself last and cooking to everyone else's tastes because I was so worried about their opinions and it got me nowhere (except to bigger-bum-ville).

    You know what my husband did when I told him where to go? He ate what I cooked, and if he was still hungry or wanted more protein/carbs, he sorted it out for himself. That was more preferable to him than cooking his whole meal himself.
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    I make one meal. There's enough of it for everyone else to have the portion sizes they prefer, while I eat what fits into my plans for the day. No special cooking done in this house!
  • fitbethlin
    fitbethlin Posts: 162 Member
    I love the suggestions to make meals that are separate - not casseroles or one-pot. A crockpot meal with a few sides can go a long way to helping HIM stay at a healthy weight (more protein and carbs) and YOU stay healthy (more veggie sides).

    I love a meatloaf with veggies mixed in - this is a favorite: I eat 1/3, my hubs eats 2/3. He is also in charge of making his own mashed potatoes to go with it, and I make veggie sides for me.

    You might also consider looking at different diet plans to see if specific recipes might work for both of you. Paleo is great for lots of protein, but not so good if he needs carbs. A paleo main course with a high fat/high carb side might help him stay at weight while you sub in lots of veggies instead of carbs.

    Appetizers might help him too. If you can resist, making sure he's got bread and olive oil, chips and queso, etc, to start his meal. Then you can eat the same main meal at the same time and he can still get in his extra calories.
  • wildbluyawnder1
    wildbluyawnder1 Posts: 2 Member
    Suggestions for a spouse who is seriously allergic to just about every vegetable and fruit? Seriously, he's getting shots to fix his wacked out immune system. He even misses eating them. We eat meat, pasta, rice, beans, and dairy. That's about all he can eat. If you know of a group, please let me know.