altogirl2 Member


  • It sounds like you made some great memories! Your kids will never forget this trip and you're such a great mom for providing it for them. And yes, I always gain on vacation too but it's worth it!
    in Home Comment by altogirl2 April 2015
  • I purposely bought my UP24 in a large so I could wear it on my ankle instead of my wrist because I have a recumbent bike. Works great.
  • Yes, both my exercise bike and my Jawbone UP24 tell me I only burn about half the calories that MFP gives me.
  • I agree, see your doctor right away. If you're weak and always hungry, it could be that you aren't getting enough fat in your diet. Are your macros on target? Some people on MFP make "fat bombs" of jello and whipping cream. If you're on target with your calories and macros and still starving, you might try eating some fat…
  • I tried Isagenix and did lose weight but it was too restrictive for me to stay on for longer than a few months. And I gained it back. I do like the vanilla protein shake and still have some around. I use it when I need to get more protein in my weekly goals. Tastes better than a ton of protein shakes out there.
    in isagenix Comment by altogirl2 March 2015
  • Wow, as a mom of three girls (adults now) I can say that raising a girl is really tough. I think the more you talk about her weight and what she eats, the more she will pull away from you, though. If you tell her you love her daily and let her know she is beautiful inside and out, she might someday feel secure enough to…
  • It's clear that you're in pain and that this is a hard time for you at work. Be kind to yourself.
  • Wow, your eyes look so much bigger! Awesome!
  • A high school track is a good alternative in the rain.
  • I think you have to decide what your needs and wants are first. I bought a JawboneUP24 before Christmas and like it, especially the software, but I forgot that I hate wearing anything on my wrists and hands, LOL! I ended up wearing it on my ankle in the house (one thing that you can't do with the Fitbit) and in my pocket…
  • I'm in my 60's and my metabolism has definitely slowed way down, but conversely, its been easier this time around to lose the weight. MFP just makes it so easy to track what I eat. Wish I'd had this website 20 years ago.
  • Yeah, they are no longer making the UP24 which sucks since I got mine new for Christmas. Have you gone to the Jawbone website and downloaded the latest firmware update? I was having all kinds of problems with my bracelet, including battery time and I had to do the download twice. After the 2nd time, all problems were…
  • If you haven't been throwing up, the nausea will probably pass by about week 12 or so. Hang in there, it's worth it!
  • I've had four children and had severe morning sickness all through my pregnancies. Now is NOT the time to diet. Eat whatever will stay down and don't worry about anything else until you see your doctor next. Carbs, especially potatoes in any form, were my best friend for nine months with each one!
  • There's a forum at that might help. When mine stopped working I did several things. Rebooting my phone worked for awhile. I also installed and then reinstalled the latest firmware update (available on the website) and that did the trick. It's been working fine for about 3 weeks now (knock on wood)!
  • Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry that you have so little support at home. My family was also fixated on weight. I was never really heavy but always made to feel like the "fat" one of the family because I weighed 130 instead of 120. I wish I had known how lovely I was and that people liked me for who I was and not how much I…
  • OK, you've convinced me! I'm going to try this. (Be brave - self talk)!
  • A pound a week is outstanding! Keep at it!
  • This is a reply to a question from Christinev297. I think I deleted the quote marks. I was dx as bipolar II by this same doctor. I'm still not sure if the dx is accurate or not, but it really put me off taking psycotropic medications. I didn't try anything else and I've been fine. I was at a period in my life when the…
  • No, nothing in my diet or lifestyle changed. I didn't realize it was happening because it was so sudden. One day, none of my clothes fit. I saw my doctor soon after and he apologized for not telling me that rapid, sudden weight gain might be a consequence of taking the medication. It was zyprexa if anyone wants to look it…
  • People who are so adamant about CICO have never had the problem of nothing in your diet changing but your weight goes up dramatically in a short period of time. It happened to me. It can and does happen. Mine was a result of beginning a new medication. My doctor neglected to tell me that one of the side effects was "rapid…
  • I have the Jawbone UP24 and it does the same thing. I wish I could remove it from the UP app but haven't found a way. I try to ignore it since it makes absolutely no sense.
  • Congratulations! You're in Onederland!
  • Please add me! Jane (altogirl2)
  • I've been losing weight successfully without enabling the negative calories so I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing, LOL!
  • My daughter was also losing her hair and it was a vitamin D deficiency. Are you taking a good multi-vitamin? Her doctor put her on a big dose of daily vit D and she is seeing new hair growth. Maybe have your doc check those levels as well as thyroid?
  • I bought a great recumbent bike at Amazon for Christmas and it was only $150. It has magnetic resistance and is super quiet. I bike while watching tv. Looks like it's gone up but prices on Amazon fluctuate so if you keep checking it…