55-65 year old women's success?



  • bonniepwest
    bonniepwest Posts: 30 Member
    In my first post on this thread I said that you never know when something you say might help someone else. I think this thread is testament to that. Although it didn't bring the OP what she was looking for, it has helped others of us immensely.

    @cathy120861‌, that is awesome news! Thanks for sharing. I didn't take my measurements before I started here in November. My last measurements were taken at the gym when I began working with a personal trainer two years ago, before both knees were replaced. In another few pounds, I'm going to ask my trainer to measure me again. I gained weight after that, so am down only about 15 pounds net from that point. However, I'm able to train much harder now than I was then so I think the results will be good. I'm hoping!
  • Skyweigh
    Skyweigh Posts: 113 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi, Cathy - Please don't be sad! It's fine! I wasn't looking for support is all. Just inspirational stories, as I said, and there are plenty here of those -- yours included. Very pleased to hear of your success.

    Bonnie --- it's all good, as stated. Otherwise, I wouldn't have bothered to return to the thread. Good work on getting back to training after surgery. That is a major success in itself.
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    This is an excellent thread...looking forward to having time to read through it :)
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    Hi, everyone! Does it really matter what this thread was intended to be or has morphed into? It is one of the most positive and inspiring of the many threads I've read over the last year and a half. Some of us are new and some have been around for awhile, and we've all shared our successes, struggles, and sometimes our slip-ups. The important point to remember is that we're all here to become healthier, each in our own way, in our own time. It's gratifying to know that people our age can improve our health over time. Let's keep the thread thriving with our unique stores whatever it becomes! Cheers to you all. . .
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    I attend a small local weight loss group on Wednesday evenings. This is the 6th week and I've lost maybe 2 1/2 pounds. It's picking up again finally I think, but it was slow going for me really since around the first of the year. Most of the women started "dieting" when the group was formed, so there were some big losses in the first few weeks. Well, weighing near the end of the day is always a crap shoot for me. Even if I lose a half pound or more the amount of water weight and food eating throughout the day, etc. can override that loss. It can even override a couple weeks' loss when its not real big. But I do weigh less on that scale at the meeting than I did when we started this group, so that's a good thing.

    I've been working on weight loss for more than a year and I am using this little group just as some more incentive, plus its nice to have someplace to chat IRL about weight loss and fitness goals.

    What I really hope is that those women who see me losing small amounts or not showing any loss some weeks, can see that weight loss is a process that takes a while and a loss cannot be guaranteed every week.

    A couple of the women have lost successfully in the past but gained most, all or more back. They mostly use the Weight Watchers plan. The "downside" to that is that there is lot of talk about "free" foods. Also, the mindset seems to focus on "while dieting" compared to long term changes. In some ways I feel like I've read the book while most of them are still looking at the index or in the first chapter. Does that make sense?

    So, just some rambling from me today. Its wonderful to have the mindset that weight loss is now something I can achieve, rather than just a dream!

  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    Hi, Sodakat (Kathy):
    I, too, used Weight Watchers to lose weight, but had the same problem you mentioned regarding the women in your group. I've been much more successful with MFP than Weight Watchers. I was eating too much fruit and didn't really understand about finding the right macros (protein/fat/carb) split that worked for me.

    Reading the stickies for new people on MFP really clicked with me. I figured out, through trial and error, how many calories worked for me to lose weight consistently over time even with fluctuations.

    I don't freak out every time I weigh myself because I understand, now that I've educated myself about weight loss, that our bodies don't care about losing weight on a time line that we've set our minds upon. It happens in its own good time, sometimes only 1 ounce at a time and sometimes with a WOOSH of 1 or 2 pounds. You can't rush it by cutting too many calories either.

    I've also learned that we actually need to eat to lose. We have to nourish our bodies to support our calorie burns when we exercise. I didn't really understand that with Weight Watcher's 49 extra points and free foods.

    MFP and counting calories is so much easier to maintain over the long term than any other "diet" I've been on. I've lost weight very slowly, over a period of a year and a half so far. I only have a few pounds more to lose to hit maintenance and it doesn't matter how long it takes because I'll be working MFP forever, haha.

    Rambling back at you!
  • Jewels211
    Jewels211 Posts: 184 Member
    Celebrating here! I mentioned was diagnosed as type 2 diabetic a little over 3 months ago. Had my 1st follow up dr apt yesterday. In those 3 months by carefully tracking my food here on MFP, eating lean meats, whole grains, lots of veggies & keeping my carbs in very close control (not too little, not too much) & doing 20-30 min a day at least 5 days a wk on the treadmill, I've lost 26 lbs, A1C went from 6.6 to 5.5 & my b/p was almost too low, so dr cut one med dose in half & I may get to come off of it if my body cooperates! Liver enzymes, triglycerides, & cholesterol are all good now, too! Woohoo! I'm in the midst of menopause, so I didn't think this would be possible, but so far, so good! I've still got around 50 lbs to go, but I'm heading in the right direction!
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    Jewels211 wrote: »
    Celebrating here! I mentioned was diagnosed as type 2 diabetic a little over 3 months ago. Had my 1st follow up dr apt yesterday. In those 3 months by carefully tracking my food here on MFP, eating lean meats, whole grains, lots of veggies & keeping my carbs in very close control (not too little, not too much) & doing 20-30 min a day at least 5 days a wk on the treadmill, I've lost 26 lbs, A1C went from 6.6 to 5.5 & my b/p was almost too low, so dr cut one med dose in half & I may get to come off of it if my body cooperates! Liver enzymes, triglycerides, & cholesterol are all good now, too! Woohoo! I'm in the midst of menopause, so I didn't think this would be possible, but so far, so good! I've still got around 50 lbs to go, but I'm heading in the right direction!

    That's fabulous! You can do this! Congrats.

  • lucky192
    lucky192 Posts: 19 Member
    Oh how wonderful! Good job!
  • altogirl2
    altogirl2 Posts: 105 Member
    trina1049 wrote: »
    Jewels211 wrote: »
    Celebrating here! I mentioned was diagnosed as type 2 diabetic a little over 3 months ago. Had my 1st follow up dr apt yesterday. In those 3 months by carefully tracking my food here on MFP, eating lean meats, whole grains, lots of veggies & keeping my carbs in very close control (not too little, not too much) & doing 20-30 min a day at least 5 days a wk on the treadmill, I've lost 26 lbs, A1C went from 6.6 to 5.5 & my b/p was almost too low, so dr cut one med dose in half & I may get to come off of it if my body cooperates! Liver enzymes, triglycerides, & cholesterol are all good now, too! Woohoo! I'm in the midst of menopause, so I didn't think this would be possible, but so far, so good! I've still got around 50 lbs to go, but I'm heading in the right direction!

    Wow, great job!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    A wonderful reason to celebrate..your hard work and vigilance has paid off in a big way!
  • bonniepwest
    bonniepwest Posts: 30 Member
    Wonderful news, Jewels! So proud of you.
  • lucky192
    lucky192 Posts: 19 Member
    I will rethink my chores today; I'm moving- not sitting on couch, watching TV. I will think of you....overrate last weekend. Regrouped, now .02 oz to get back on track- no biggie-now.....your just the kick in the bottom I need to get off my couch! Everyone have a positive day- I can do this!
  • gerrielips
    gerrielips Posts: 180 Member
    I love these posts! I'm 66, hypothyroid, insulin resistant, and limping on 2 bad knees...but since restarting MFP have lost almost 20 pounds (30 more to go) by watching (lowering) carbs and also trying to stay within a specified calorie range. This and with exercising 3-4 times a week I'm feeling so much better and thrilled to learn of others in my age range who are doing the same thing.
  • lucky192
    lucky192 Posts: 19 Member
    Well this morning I got off couch still wasn't very motivated so I got on tractor and started mowing lawns! Felt good to have the fresh air onmy face getting kids from school when I get home will walk the grass spreader ( new seed) instead of driving. Will get my steps in. So far 13982 steps- thanks jewls!
  • cathy120861
    cathy120861 Posts: 265 Member
    Jewels -- how awesome are you! You are indeed a gem.

    I go back to my pulmonologist on Monday -- havent seen her since May. Fingers crossed for good news.
  • Jewels211
    Jewels211 Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks, everyone! I'm excited, which is good thing because I do pretty well detest exercise, so staying excited keeps me going on the treadmill--that, & knowing many of you are Zumba-ing & belly dancing, so I can't totally wimp out! :D
    Gerrielips, i imagine your knees will show you some love as the weight continues to come off!
    Cathy, good luck at the pulmonologist!

  • candicer
    candicer Posts: 25 Member
    I haven't posted in a while. I'm getting into my busiest season of the year here - I am a bridal seamstress, and between weddings and prom season, I usually have no time to clean, cook, eat, sleep, do laundry or shopping, let alone workout or post! So for atleast the next 6 weeks or so, I will probably not have much time to log my food diary or post. Fortunately I've gotten into a healthy habit of eating well, and shopping for. healthy foods has become quick and easy, as I don't deviate from my list. Just hoping and praying that I don't loose ground in my weight loss journey.
  • Goldie183
    Goldie183 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm so glad I found this thread and a great sounding group of people! I have been pro rastinating all year about losing weight and creating a healthier lifestyle. I'm 68 and have been struggling with this monkey on my back for years.I want to lose 35 pounds and would welcome some friends for encouragement and support.

  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    This thread is so encouraging. I would welcome friends who are doing Intermittent Fasting with open food diaries (who actually record their food!)
  • CaliforniaRower
    CaliforniaRower Posts: 187 Member
    Hi all! I'm 50.5 yrs old and I am in pre-menopause. I have been an athletic person all my life, in between periods of non-clinical, self-perpetuated, teenager-raising induced depression. I gained a lot when my daughter was 16-20. Now she's 22 and leveled off, thankfully! So I'm committed but people keep saying, "Oh, you're old now. You'll take forever to lose the weight, but don't worry." Or "You have to work 3x as hard as if you'd done it in your 40s, but keep the faith" and stuff like that. It wounds me! But I just read almost ALL your posts and I have SO much hope and inspiration. THANK YOU ALL!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I'm 57 and in a similar place with my 21 and 23 year old sons. Maybe your friends have decided to "settle" and think you should too. Don't. I have started taking better care of myself: getting better sleep, less stressed, healthier food choices, more activities that I enjoy. I am feeling better, have more energy and I'm losing weight. You will never be too old to start living better or too old for it to make a difference. We may not be 19 anymore but we can be amazing 50+ year olds that enjoy life now!
  • Skyweigh
    Skyweigh Posts: 113 Member
    I wish there was a "like" button for so many of these posts.
    Hi all! I'm 50.5 yrs old and I am in pre-menopause. I have been an athletic person all my life, in between periods of non-clinical, self-perpetuated, teenager-raising induced depression. I gained a lot when my daughter was 16-20. Now she's 22 and leveled off, thankfully! So I'm committed but people keep saying, "Oh, you're old now. You'll take forever to lose the weight, but don't worry." Or "You have to work 3x as hard as if you'd done it in your 40s, but keep the faith" and stuff like that. It wounds me! But I just read almost ALL your posts and I have SO much hope and inspiration. THANK YOU ALL!

    I wish there was a "like" button for so many of these posts. I think it was in my daughter's troubled teen years, too that I fell off the wagon of what I thought at the time were permanent changes to my diet and fitness practices, and have been struggling since.

    A large part for me has been a change in my reasons for keeping up the effort. Trouble is, now there is not really much choice. I could (and still do) overindulge in food and lack sufficient activity to keep healthy, but the price has increased. I laughed with my husband that it may hurt to work out, but it also hurts when I don't work out, and my digestive system isn't the powerhouse it used to be, either, lol! So, in some ways, it's also easier in the later years, because there's less choice in the matter.

  • cathy120861
    cathy120861 Posts: 265 Member
    Yes indeed Skyweigh-- less choice and more inspiration. when i was younger, i focused on looking cute and health seemed so optional. now its about moving and breathing freely.

    In a week it will be ten months exactly since i started focusing on my health. i have lost 39 pounds so far -- hoping to lose one more this week to make it an even forty. and while i have been far far from perfect, this is the most consistent i have ever been. I just never managed to stay focused for this long when i was younger.
  • Skyweigh
    Skyweigh Posts: 113 Member
    Cathy120861 - 39 lbs in 10 months takes significant work and commitment - good job !

    About staying focused -- I never had the patience to knit when I was younger, but now I try to "make time for yarn every day" --- doesn't seem related, but there has been a real change in attitude during the last few years, and I'm happy about that.
  • bonniepwest
    bonniepwest Posts: 30 Member
    You all are incredibly inspiring and give me hope every day. I have been focused on trying to become more healthy for the last 12 years and it has been a roller coaster. Joint issues and other health crises, and still I was able to fool myself into thinking I wouldn't have to do this forever, so the yo-yo has continued going up and down. I'm ready to cut the string on the darn thing on the way down this time so it can't go back up!

    Speaking of up and down, anyone ever used a pogo stick? For someone as athletically challenged as I, jumping on a pogo stick came easily to me. It is wonderful cardio (if you can keep it going) and I enjoyed it tremendously. Mine died and I asked for a new one for Christmas a number of years ago. Only got to use it for a couple of years before my Achilles surgery and knee replacements. My family thinks I am crazy but I really want to see if I can get back on it. I'm waiting a year out from the last knee, but I'm going to try. ;)
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    I had no idea, @bonniepwest‌ that they even MADE pogo sticks that would carry an adult weight! I love the idea of using a pogo stick!!!

  • bonniepwest
    bonniepwest Posts: 30 Member
    @sodakat, if you go online you can find and order them. Google Super Pogo 1505; it's rated up to 210, but some reviewers said they weigh much more than that and had no trouble. Amazon has them for sale.
  • cathy120861
    cathy120861 Posts: 265 Member
    i have never tried a pogo stick but i tried kangaroo shoes once -- they were super fun and no stress at all on my leg or joints, but amazingly good aerobic exercise.

  • cathy120861
    cathy120861 Posts: 265 Member
    edited March 2015
    i have never tried a pogo stick but i tried kangaroo shoes once -- they were super fun and no stress at all on my leg or joints, but amazingly good aerobic exercise.

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