55-65 year old women's success?



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    pssssst..... where'd everybody go??


  • bonniepwest
    bonniepwest Posts: 30 Member
    I'M AWAKE! I watched the video on measuring--a real eye-opener. It has always driven me crazy to see something like watermelon measured in cups or fractions of a melon. Give me weights, preferably in grams! But I didn't realize there was such a difference between measuring and weighing. I put PB2 in my smoothie this morning. The label says a portion is 2 tbsp (12g). I measured out 2 tbsp and it was more like 15g. That's not a huge difference, and in this instance it might be a matter of just a few calories, but of course, it all adds up.
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    Hi I am 53 and have been here for 538 days! 45 lbs then put some back on for a loss of 36lbs. Still have a lot to lose. It is quite slow. But it was slow for me to put it on. So glad to others with the same struggle. I was beginning to wonder if it was just me! We should make a group for all of us instead of a thread!
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited February 2015
    Went to a small meeting yesterday afternoon of some local women who decided to form a group to inspire each other to lose weight. The leader worked for many years as a cook, most recently at the local nursing home. She brought a dish along for us to try, and guess the ingredients.

    It looked and tasted like potato salad but was made with rutabagas. She used a large rutabaga, 1 boiled egg, chopped onion, 1/2 cup fat free mayo and a lot of mustard, plus a splash of dill pickle juice.

    I don't use fat free mayo but am now considering I may pick some up. It was quite good!

    Rutabagas appear to have about half the calories of potatoes, btw.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    *waves hand*
    Hi! I'm in this illustrious group, too! I love that I am more active now. Being of age means I'm not trying to recapture my youth, but enjoying what I can do!
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    Snooozie wrote: »
    pssssst..... where'd everybody go??



    I'm here!

    Going to post a link to a recent blog post I wrote. Normally I wouldn't do this, but I guess it spoke to many people, I got a lot of wonderful comments so sharing here in case anyone would like to read it.
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    Hi, still here! Checking in with you all.
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    sun_fish wrote: »
    Snooozie wrote: »
    pssssst..... where'd everybody go??



    I'm here!

    Going to post a link to a recent blog post I wrote. Normally I wouldn't do this, but I guess it spoke to many people, I got a lot of wonderful comments so sharing here in case anyone would like to read it.

    Great blog post! Well done!
  • cathy120861
    cathy120861 Posts: 265 Member
    Morning, All,

    Still waiting for the birth of my first grandchild. My daughter was due last Tuesday. They are talking about inducing if she has not gone into labor by this coming monday. My plan had been to go down to her (I am in NJ, she is is Texas) on monday afternoon, but now it looks like snow, so am trying to decide between Sunday morning or Tuesday afternoon. any thoughts?

    I am so pleased with the progress since i shook up my fitness plan at the beginning of the year. I have increased my cardio (both in terms of time and intensity) and decreased my carbs. i count "net carbs" which means carbs minus fiber (and minus sugar alcohol, when i can get that information). i have worked my way down to 25 net carbs per day and am finding that i dont miss them the way i did for the first couple of weeks.

    anyway, down another half pound this morning. 8.4 pounds this year and just over 34 pounds since last May. Making real progress toward my goal of being the healthiest, most active and playful Grandma around!
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Morning everyone! Off work today, using up my vacation from 2014. Off to the gym and then errands I normally do on Saturday. Our little Maltese, Bella, has an appointment with the groomer.

    Cathy, if it were me, I would go asap. Hard to wait, but weather sometimes will not cooperate. Early congratulations to you, hoping all goes well. As Melanie Wilkes said in "Gone With the Wind", the happiest times are when babies come. Congrats also on the weight loss.

    Sun_fish, great blog! Everyone read it if you get the chance.

    Great advice bacn60s! MFP is a fantastic tool!

    Have a great day all!
  • Doinitin2015
    Doinitin2015 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi there love sun fish blog that is exactly what I think of then it is do confusing I find now so much information .... So I went to a dietician three weeks ago and well I have not list a thing I just don't know which way to turn I go to see her today and get her thoughts, I am 55 female with 50 pounds to lose I am 5'3 and 199 pounds, I don't expect big wright losses but I need something to feel success at present with her following canada food guide ....not working? Thank you
  • Doinitin2015
    Doinitin2015 Posts: 32 Member
    Sorry for spelling errors rushing out the door to work
  • piccpicc
    piccpicc Posts: 4 Member
    What a great series of posts. I am relatively new to Fitness Pal but not to some of the same issues you cite. Post menopausal makes a difference but complicates metabolism. Lost 60 lbs 5 years ago...25 lbs has slowly crept back on but scales heading in the other direction again thanks to Fitness Pal and The Diet Fix. I would recommend pilates as a great exercise in between cardio activities. After retirement from the very busy world of high school teaching, I found very part time work in an incredible pilates studio and 75% of our clients are 50plus. I take as many pilates classes as I can fit in. Very easy on the joints...positions are not held for very long and excellent for maintaining pelvic floor etc.
  • patpiepoli
    patpiepoli Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all. I'm 55, post menopausal and also finding it harder to lose. About 5 yrs ago I lost 50 lbs on weight watchers but put back on about 30. My goal is to take that back off with the help of MFP and
    and exercise. I rejoined a gym and at my husband's urging have a trainer who so far has taught me strength training workouts and is working up a cardio routine. The idea of a trainer scared me but he is great about keeping me accountable without making me do things that I'm not capable of doing. I justify the expense because the healthier I am the less $$ spent on medical care! Good luck to everyone. It is tougher to lose as we get older, but the feeling of accomplishment as we meet daily diet and exercise goals is even sweeter!
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    Reading your post and so many of the others - I believe I wrote them myself! Sounds so very familiar. Did lose a good number of pounds back in my early 40's - fell off that wagon and managed in my journey through every restaurant in town to gain 60 (20 more than lost). Having trouble even getting through menopause at 55 - the Dr put me on an HRT (I'm weaning myself off this month) and was determined to get healthy. Walking down the hallway at work (flat floor) and being winded when I got there just irritated me at myself. Lost about 15 pounds with extreme difficulty - then an officemate introduced me to MFP and voila` started dropping weight and getting much more active. Maintained a healthier weight (not ideal, but healthier) from July of 2013 until September 2014 - then didn't watch my caloric intake or maintain being as active and yep - back came 15 pounds! Struggle to figure out that maintenance issue being an older person. So, here I am again determined to figure this out. Actually inspired by so many of you that we CAN do this! We may be out to pasture - but we are not under the pasture yet!
  • Jewels211
    Jewels211 Posts: 184 Member
    piccpicc wrote: »
    What a great series of posts. I am relatively new to Fitness Pal but not to some of the same issues you cite. Post menopausal makes a difference but complicates metabolism. Lost 60 lbs 5 years ago...25 lbs has slowly crept back on but scales heading in the other direction again thanks to Fitness Pal and The Diet Fix. I would recommend pilates as a great exercise in between cardio activities. After retirement from the very busy world of high school teaching, I found very part time work in an incredible pilates studio and 75% of our clients are 50plus. I take as many pilates classes as I can fit in. Very easy on the joints...positions are not held for very long and excellent for maintaining pelvic floor etc.

    Thanks for the info on Pilates. I bought a Pilates kit a couple of years ago & then never even opened it! :-p but I think I know where I packed it away, & I need to find a way to do strengthing exercises that are easy on joints. Pilates sound like an answer!
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    Reading your post and so many of the others - I believe I wrote them myself! Sounds so very familiar. Did lose a good number of pounds back in my early 40's - fell off that wagon and managed in my journey through every restaurant in town to gain 60 (20 more than lost). Having trouble even getting through menopause at 55 - the Dr put me on an HRT (I'm weaning myself off this month) and was determined to get healthy. Walking down the hallway at work (flat floor) and being winded when I got there just irritated me at myself. Lost about 15 pounds with extreme difficulty - then an officemate introduced me to MFP and voila` started dropping weight and getting much more active. Maintained a healthier weight (not ideal, but healthier) from July of 2013 until September 2014 - then didn't watch my caloric intake or maintain being as active and yep - back came 15 pounds! Struggle to figure out that maintenance issue being an older person. So, here I am again determined to figure this out. Actually inspired by so many of you that we CAN do this! We may be out to pasture - but we are not under the pasture yet!

    Yes, we're all struggling with the yo-yo-ing diet woes. We can do this. It just takes longer. Sadly, we'll have to keep exercising and watching what we eat until we are under the pasture.
  • Jewels211
    Jewels211 Posts: 184 Member
    dlmciver wrote: »
    Hello All-
    I just found this thread and I'm inspired by the energy! I'm trying to catch up with everything. I'm turning 60 in August, and I want to solidify a healthy path as I look forward to retirement in the next few years. I have lost and regained 100+ pounds 2X. I have fallen apart when I "get close". I have 135 pounds to lose. I'll be checking in often.

    Welcome! And you CAN do this! The support here--sometimes even unknowing--is so great. This morning for instance, with a sore knee, a cough from sinuses, & just feeling a bit shaky & low on energy, I had almost talked myself into doing my time on the ol' treadmill at a slower speed. But then I thought of some here making themselves head out to belly dancing or Zumba classes because they knew they needed to even when they didn't feel up to it, & I thought I am NOT going to wuss out on this! So I got in my time at my fairly new higher speeds & felt great afterwards!
  • dogbydog123
    dogbydog123 Posts: 30 Member
    I am 62, disabled, and in April I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes. It was past time to get healthy. I have lost 40 lbs since early July. This is my half way point. I am totally motivated! My wt mgmt dr at Univ of Ky suggested I use this app and it has really helped. I do individual and class exercise for free at Lexington's Senior Center. I take Cymbalta for chronic pain which can make wt loss a challenge, but I am meeting it head on. I have been losing about a lb a week. That may slow as I continue to lose, but I will not allow myself to get discouraged. For 7 mos now I have walked past the dough.uts that get set out here at the Center. I just walk on by.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited February 2015
    We can indeed still accomplish whatever we want at this stage of our lives... there are a few different challenges for most of us now, but it's a learning process - change happens over time and as long as we keep working towards what we want for ourselves, and are willing to make the changes ... we can absolutely do it!!

    I succeeded at reaching my goal weight, and then quite frankly i got a little too cocky when i hit that "magic number" and never gave any thought to maintenance; just figured i was "done"; the end, I made it, yay me, yada yada.... yada.

    Almost six months in and 15 pounds regained, (and I avoided getting on the scale much because even though it was getting harder and harder to squeeze into my clothes, it was just a pound or two.. here and there.. uh huh ... ya.. ok... but eventually i hopped on and faced the reality... and it finally hit me (i'm pretty sure it was during a hot flash btw) that i had missed a very important lessson.. as someone above said.. ) I would never be "done" - i would have to continue this for the rest of my life... and I had a mini meltdown LOL.. because i was omg i SO do not want to have to do "this" forever!! Tracking, logging, calorie counting... I'm being completley honest here; I was quite miffed, angry and resentful. And i went on a bit of a bender, eating crap up the wazoo out of rebelion LOL.. (beause me stuffing my face with crap will "teach" mfp.. ya... it was not one of my finer moments LOL).

    I never left MFP.... I continued to log but mentally i was still angry..

    It took a few days but when i eventually dragged myself up out of the pile of empty potato hip bags and chocolate bar wrappers, and empty ice cream tubs (i don't even like ice cream btw..) I had to perform an attitude adjustment on myself. That took another couple of days, but thankfully with a lotta conversations with myself and with help talking it out with friends here, i began to realize it wasn't such a big deal after all... I was kinda making a mountain out of a molehill...because really, basically it just comes down to the fact that for the rest of my life, I'll simply have to pay attention to what and how much I eat. That's it. period. point. I was making it out to be way more complicated and fearful that it was going to be a lifetime of hard work... like when I first started - I had so much to learn at first about nutrition and label reading and muscles etc... and the importance of moving our parts every day.. my head felt like it was going to explode from jumping from one idea to the other trying everything i read on a forum back then LOL.. til i finally found what worked for me.. and yes it WAS a lot of work and a lot of effort put in to losing that 50+ pounds... but NOW i already have the tools i need to not only lose these regained pounds, but to succeed at maintaining my weight and healthier lifestyle " to infinity and beyond" so to speak.. if i simply just keep paying attention, every single day. Not much to ask of myself after all, for what i get in return! :D

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