bluelaceangel Member


  • I read the replies and none really addressed your question. First, it is changing the way you view EXERCISE. Did you know the word means simply MOVEMENT? Are you aware that simply going shopping .. walking in the mall, Wal-Mart, an outdoor farmers market is in fact exercise? Attitude, is next. Most people feel Exercise is…
  • I AM GOING OUT ON A LIMB HERE BUT HAVE YOU SEEM OR TALKED TO A DIETITION? The reason I am asking is there are two types of sugars. Sugars that are natural like what you find in WHOLE FRUIT or simple sugars and complex sugars like cane or corn sugar and fruitose . it has to do with choices.. example you can have a small…
  • Groovy hippie flower child family way dumb as a rock as trusting as a skunk draft dogger Yellow livered pole cat
  • My son and daughter in law became very devoted to the paleo diet.. even gave a book on it for Christmas about 4 yrs ago... they are also heavily into CROSS FIT. They work out daily and teach it. Daughter in law became preg and the doc told them they must change their diet if she wanted a healthy baby and to ease up on…
  • A very easy way to cook boneless skinless chicken breasts /thighs without salt is to do FOIL baking.. You take your vegetables.. thin sliced onions, bell peppers, and carrots and place in the center of a 12 inch square of foil. Place chicken on top.. you can season chicken with Mrs Dash of your choice or with pineapple…
  • Hi... I am new here and looking forward to joining this community. I have battled my wieght for what seems a lifetime. I have been to more dietitians than I can count. It seemed like I could drop the pounds for awhile and all of a sudden it was back up. I developed what is commonly called fatty tumors and lymphedema. They…