
Why do I have such a lack of motivation? I just don't feel like exercising... I find myself just eating! What inspires you or motivates you to lose weight or to just get healthy?


  • rrowdiness
    rrowdiness Posts: 119 Member
    Endorphins, mainly. Swap one addiction for another.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    You haven’t really committed to the change. You’re trying to overcome the pleasure center rewards you get from eating with pure willpower. That works some of the time, but never all of the time. When you make a commitment to something, you start working on strategies to succeed at that one thing. You’ll only buy and have healthier food around you, you’ll find a perfect time in the day to get your workouts in, you’ll make other changes in your lifestyle that get you to your commitment (better sleep, more play and activity, less sitting, etc.).

    It starts with a commitment, not a promise or resolution.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    When you're sick tired of being overweight and unfit you find the strength to make a change. It was a lot like quitting smoking for me. I started and stopped with trying to lose weight a dozen times before I got fed up and made a commitment.
  • bluelaceangel
    bluelaceangel Posts: 8 Member
    I read the replies and none really addressed your question.

    First, it is changing the way you view EXERCISE. Did you know the word means simply MOVEMENT? Are you aware that simply going shopping .. walking in the mall, Wal-Mart, an outdoor farmers market is in fact exercise?

    Attitude, is next. Most people feel Exercise is a punishment. A requirement like being forced to take P.E. when in Middle School. It isn't. You find something you like to do. It doesnt have to be hard core. Do you like nature? Are you close to a park? A morning walk in the park for 20-30 minutes, watching the birds and squirrels play would be exercise. Do yoy have a dog? An hour at a dog park playing with your dog is exercise for both you and your dog. Cleaning house, doing yard work, gardening, dancing to your favorite songs, all require movement thus are all forms of exercise.

    Last is as you drop the pounds you will feel better and will increase your activities naturally. Yes there are those who are hard core exercise believers that theirs is the only way. They mean well and do have some good ideas. For someone who cringes at the idea of hard core exercise you can easily talk yourself out of adding it to your daily routine.

    Research has proven if a person just increases their daily movements ... add as little as 30 minutes of walking.. they will improve their overall health. The key is to do something you like and can enjoy. If you enjoy it, it is something you will continue doing and it will become a habit.

    I hope I have helped... I have Lymphedema. I have to wear compression garments and my legs are wrapped. Currently I have to use a walker for balance. The compression garments with the wraps force my muscles to work harder to move. Painful? Yes but I deal with it. I do chair exercises along with walking throughout the day. My favorite exercise is my rocking chair and rocking. My PT person suggested to add my rocker to my daily routine as a form of exercise and I love it. We all face challenges... it just depends on how we want to face them..
  • ruthsandyhill
    ruthsandyhill Posts: 2 Member
    Wonderful advice, thank you bluelaceangel