Monarose Member


  • Same here! I have about 120lbs to lose. Been going back to this over and over over the years but realized I will now be 40 in just about 55 weeks. My goal is to get it off before my decade changes, and I tend to work best under pressure and a deadline. Pls feel free to add me and we can help each other. 😊.
  • Different things work for different people. It may not be the science of weight loss but individual motivators that help people. If it's not a challenge for you, don't let it bother you that it is for others. And I've been so busy I forgot that I wanted to do this. Starting again tonight.
  • I'd love to join but I don't even get the kids home before 7 pm. I can try for 8. If I start cooking in crock pots again
  • Thank you. I'm on a 43 day streak of logging everything and totally fell apart this weekend. I feel like I'm also eating everything in sight. My general stress is through the roof really bringing me down. I just consciously didn't work out tonight. Didn't drink either though. Going to keep on trying.
  • Total fail. I did well all week. Then Totally caved into the stress of the weekend. Idk that I can do this with it around me all the time.
  • Moderation with me is hard! One drink turns into 8 before I know it. I'm trying to steer clear altogether. This will be my first weekend dry in idk how long but if I can do it anyone can! Everyone keep up the good work. Best of Luck!!
  • Considering I started only yesterday, this is my second day dry. Happy about it. I do have an impending concert tomorrow night so I'm not exactly sure how that will go over. Being the DD though so I'll won't be able to blow it too bad.
  • Alright. I honestly failed horribly this weekend. But we were at a memorial birthday party and I couldn't offend the parents. But I'm still in this. Better two days late than never...? I also gained like 5 pounds this weekend too. I have been punished.
  • I've been back on here quite a few times but never really got into reading the discussions and blogs. It's really been motivational. I think today was my 31st day in a row. Not making huge progress but not giving up either! Feel free to add me.
  • Ok. Let's do it. Tomorrow night will be my last. Then Saturday it is!!! Anybody feel free to add me. I'll need a bunch of help!! Lol :)
  • I want to do this so bad. But I drink during the week here and there and the weekends I go all out, still logging everything though. But the scale won't budge. I do live with an alcoholic so it'll be super hard. But I'd like to try.
  • Thank you for the input. I've been using an elliptical 3-4 times weekly for a month. I try to stay in calorie deficit and I'm just not seeing results on the scale. I feel better definitely, and things are fitting better but I never had a problem before dropping pounds. Not sure if its my age or what but I've been trying to…
  • A positive is that you've recognized yourself falling off the wagon. It's bad when you go back to old habits and just continue on. Acknowledging what you want to do and keeping it in focus is a good first step. Tomorrow is another day, and as long as you continue to keep starting, there's always hope to get back into good…
  • Thanks. Definitely, first thing I did was let go of the sweet malt beers, like hard ice tea and flavored stuff. Found they were around 400 calories per can. Still having trouble not losing my inhibitions and having those extra 2 am cookies, but trying to keep as diligent as possible. :)
  • I'm thinking I need to do the same. Don't know the possibility. But feel free to friend me.
  • Great job :) . Don't listen to the nitpickers, what you are doing for you is obviously working. You are an inspiration.
  • I'm a big weekend drinker. I tend to derail my whole week in one night. I have been looking for better alternatives and this thread definitely helped me a bit also. I was thinking about going with vodka and diet coke from now on. Even when it's a bad night though, I always log the drinks. I think if it's accounted for and…
  • Feel free to add me as well. I've got a long way to go and could definitely use some friends for the trip. :)
  • Same here. I am starting, again. I always start off well, but get derailed easily. I actually have almost the exact same stats as you, just slightly taller. I too, am back at post baby weight and he's 7! I know what I am supposed to be doing and during the week it's all good. The last two weeks I have worked out every…
  • I keep trying to get back on track myself. I'll do well for a few days then get so busy I just forget and fall off. But this time, I am determined, and every time I'm getting back on track as soon after as possible. This can be done. If you're determined and do not let small setbacks discourage you. Best of luck. :)